

12月17日 编辑 39baobao.com

[创造更适合我们班级孩子的“学讲”英语课]李涛涛 ],自从徐州市推进 学讲计划 以来,一直在努力探索 学讲 之路,在这个过程中,经历了很多困难和挫折,但也意外收获了许多。学讲 课堂重视的是学生自己真实的学习的发生,所以学...+阅读

Insurance policies that cover disrupted holidays he been safeguarding people’s vacation investments for years,but in today’s stormy times,Americans are increasingly willing to pay for the privilege,experts say.①

"People are more aware of what can get between you and a good vacation," said Jon Ansell,president of the Trel Insurance Association.

But while these trel policies can protect consumers from losing non-refundable deposits,a failure to shop wisely can lead to confusion,misunderstanding--and one very expensive week spent rotting at home.

The Dolicies are usually purchased on fl per—trip basis,and typically offer reimbursements for three types of risk—financial losses due to postponement,delay, interruption or cancellation of the trip; medical care;and loss,theft or damage of personal property.③Policy costs are based on total amount insured and usually range from 4 to 8%of the COSt of your vacation.

Most of the time,polieies offer seemingly broad coverage;80%of the policies bought by U.S. trelers typicaIIy cover cancellation,interruption and delay,along with medical expenses,according to the U.S.Trel Insurance Association.Yet for some trelers,that peace of mind is undermined by a failure to read the fine print.

A Dolicy that covers“unforeseen circumstances”such as jury duty or an accident on the way to the airport,for example, maY not cover the equally unforeseen circumstance of being called into work· P01icies that promise“cancel for any reason"coverage may offer just 75%in refunds.

Such intricacies bee more crucial as the American public increasingly turns to these policies in an age where vacations can be turned upside down by terror attacks and hurricanes. Before the 2001 terror attacks,roughly ll%of trelers bought insurance.Today,it’s well over 30%,according to the Trel Insurance Assoeiation.

And thev should,said Catherine L.Rossi,spokeswoman for AAA Mid-Atlantic.“A cruise is going to cost you a significant amount of money.Maybe you’ve sed a lifetime for that."

Sometimes,people's own assumptions can get in the way as well,experts said.Don’t assume your credit card or homeowner’s policy will cover cancellations,or that the cruise line’s“cancellation waiver” will solve the problem.Such fees can be less expensive than insurance,but also e without its assurances,said Matt Denn,Delaware’s insurance missioner.

“Make sure that you know how much effort you need to make to seek reimbursement,”he said.[397 words]

1.The word“privilege”used in the first paragraph most probable means______.

A.benefits resulting from insurance

B.special advantages given to Americans

C.rights and interests trelers usually he

D.the right to do or say something unacceptable

2.According to the text,trel insurance policies______.

A.can lcad to unwise shopping

B.can keep consumers fairly confused

C.can be misunderstood by consumers

D.can protect consumers’vacation investments

3.Most trel policies purchased typically cover______.

A.4 t0 8%of the cost of your vacation

B.financial losses during the trip insured

C.trip cancellation,interruption and delay

D.reimbursements for three mon types of risk

4.Americans are increasingly willing to buy trel policies because ______.

A.they are more aware of the broad coverage most policies offer

B.they are more aware of the higher possibility of various catastrophes

C.they are aware that policy cOStS are only a few percents of the cost of vacation

D.they are aware that a variety of circumstances may cause huge financial losses

5.It is implied in the text that______.

A.trel insurance policies are worth buying

B.policies purchased can help you se a lifetime

C.1ess expensive reimbursement service is usually unreliahie

D.consumers’own assumptions should be taken into account



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