
ne que 、seulement 表达法 英语法语对照学

12月15日 编辑 39baobao.com


There are two mon French equivalents for the restrictive only in English: ne... que and seulement. These two terms mean essentially the same thing, but the first is a negative adverb while the second is an adverb of quantity. Their negative forms, however, are a bit more plicated.

Ne... que is used much like other negative adverbs.*

Je n'ai qu'un livre.I only he one book.

Il ne voit que les films étrangers.He only sees foreign movies.

*Except that after other negative adverbs, the indefinite and partitive articles change to de, while with ne... que, the indefinite and partitive articles do not change: Je n'ai pas de livre vs Je n'ai qu'un livre.

The ne goes in its normal negative position in front of the verb. The que must be placed directly in front of the word it is qualifying. Note how the position of que can change the meaning:

Je n'ai lu que deux pages.I only read two pages.

Je n'ai lu deux pages que pour te faire plaisir.I read two pages only to please you.

The only reason I read two pages was to please you.

Il ne veut que trailler à la banque.He only wants to work at the bank (not invest there).

Il ne veut trailler qu'à la banque.He wants to work only at the bank (not at the store).


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