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[最新2017年墨尔本大学翻译笔译硕士方向硕士专业]墨尔本大学(: unimelb.eduau./)位于国际化大都市墨尔本,距其市中心仅几分钟路程。墨尔本城市环境非常优雅,是一个充满生机的文化、社交、体育、商业中心城市,曾荣获联合国人居奖,...+阅读


puter users, beware. The head of the world‘s largest software pany worries that consumers who make Inter purchases he bee too placent about the risks of financial fraud and stolen identity.

Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer said in an interview with The Associated Press that a calm period without significant Inter attacks has lulled puter users, even older Web surfers who traditionally he been more anxious than teenagers about their online safety.

"I don‘t want trepidation high, but on the other hand I want people aware of what’s going on and taking appropriate precautions," Ballmer said Thursday. "I‘m afraid that may he declined, a little too much."Ballmer and other technology executives, all part of the Washington-based Business Software Alliance, met in Washington with congressional leaders and members of President Bush’s Cabi to lobby over Inter security, foreign trade and protections against software piracy.

They also met with AP reporters and editors for a broad-ranging conversation about future technologies, downloading music, keeping children away from online smut and general Inter safety."Convenience is improving rapidly. Things I might he been a bit hesitant to do a couple years ago, I‘m willing to go a bit further with today even with some security concerns," said Stephen Elop, chief executive at Macromedia Inc., which makes popular drawing software and programs for animating Web sites.

The executives said parents should teach children to oid the Inter‘s seedier neighborhoods. Ballmer said one of his sons carries a laptop to school every day and spends hours online unsupervised."We need to oversee and use technology and teach our children what’s appropriate," Ballmer said. "Some of it‘s still going to he to e from parents kind of teaching their kids what’s right. That was true even before the Inter."


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