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agitate vt.使.....不安,使....焦虑。指激发起某人的焦虑紧张感,使之心乱如麻。

He became quite agitated when he was asked about his criminal past.当问及他的前科,他显得相当紧张。

stimulate vt.激励。考(试^大指激发某人的热情或壮志。

Stimulated by a desire to tend his invalid mother,he studied medicine.在服侍病母这一愿望的激励下,他学了医。

stir vt.激动,打动。指激起人的强烈的感情。

The news stirred deep feeling in me.这消息在我心中掀起波澜。

encourage vt.鼓励。指激发某人的勇气或信心。

I encouraged her to lose weight.我鼓励她减肥。

excite vt.激动,打动。指激起人的兴趣和热望。

The children were very excited by the pantomime.孩子们让哑剧弄的兴奋不已。


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