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Friendly Relations with the People Around

You depend on all the people closely around you to give you the warm feeling of belongingness (归属)that you must he to feel secure. But, in fact, the members of all the groups to which you belong also depend on you to give that feeling to them, a person who shows that he wants everything for himself is bound

(一定的) to be a lonely wolf.

The need for panionship is closely related to the need for a sense of belongingness. How sad and lonely your life would be if you had no one to share your feelings and experiences. You may take it for granted that there always will be people around to talk to and to do things with you and for you. The important point, however, is that keeping emotionally healthy does not depend so much on hing people around you as upon your ability to establish relationships that are satisfying both to you and to them.

Suppose you are in a crowd watching a football game. You dont know them. when the game is over, you will go your separate ways. But just for a while you had a feeling of panionship, of sharing the feeling of others who were cheering for the team you wanted to win.

An experience of this kind gives the clue(线索) to what panionship really is. It depends upon emotional ties of sympathy, understanding, trust, and affection. panionships bee friends when these ties are formed.

When you are thrown in a new circle of acquaintance(熟人), you may not know with whom you will make friends, but you can be sure that you will be able to establish friendships if you show that you really like people.

1. Paragraph 2_____.

2. Paragraph 3_____.

3. Paragraph 4_____.

4. Paragraph 5_____.

A. Close link between panionship and belongingness

B. How to satisfy other peoples needs

C. An example of a satisfying relationship

D. Difficulties in establishing friendships

E. What panionship really is

F. Making friends with new acquaintances

5. If you had no one to share your feelings, your life would be____.

6. The warm feelings of belongingness may give you ____.

7. The ability to establish fine relations with others will keep you ____.

8. You will find it hard to make friends with people ____.

A. sad and lonely

B. emotionally health

C. without real love for them

D. a sense of security

E. a lonely wolf

F. without pity 文章主题分析 --抓住中心词。

Friendly Relations with the People Around

小标题被选项分析 ---抓住中心词

A. Close link between panionship (友谊)and belongingness

B. How to satisfy other peoples needs

C. An example of a satisfying relationship

D. Difficulties in establishing friendships

E. What panionship really is

F. Making friends with new acquaintances


1. Paragraph 2_____.


The need for panionship is closely related to the need for a sense of belongingness. (概括句)How sad and lonely your life would be if you had no one to share your feelings and experiences. (对前句进行解释性)。You may (作为例子继续进行解释)take it for granted that there always will be people around to talk to and to do things with you and for you. The important point, however, is that keeping emotionally healthy does not depend so much on hing people around you as upon your ability to establish relationships that are satisfying both to you and to them.

Take it for granted that ..想当然的认为…

Keep/make/consider/lee + n./pron.+ adj.

not so much A as B: 与其说A不如说B

B. How to satisfy other peoples needs

C. An example of a satisfying relationship

D. Difficulties in establishing friendships

E. What panionship really is

F. Making friends with new acquaintances

2. Paragraph 3_____.


Suppose you are in a crowd watching a football game. You dont know them. When the game is over, you will go your separate ways. But just for a while you had a feeling of panionship, of sharing the feeling of others who were cheering for the team you wanted to win.

Cheer: n.愉快, 欢呼v.(使)快活, (对)欢呼

e.g. Lets give three cheers for our team — theyve won!


B. How to satisfy other peoples needs

D. Difficulties in establishing friendships

E. What panionship really is

F. Making friends with new acquaintances

3. Paragraph 4_____.


An experience of this kind gives the clue(线索) to what panionship really is. It depends upon emotional ties of sympathy, understanding, trust, and affection. panionships bee friends when these ties are formed.

B. How to satisfy other peoples needs

D. Difficulties in establishing friendships

F. Making friends with new acquaintances

4. Paragraph 5_____.


When you are thrown in a new circle of acquaintance, you may not know with whom you will make friends, but you can be sure that you will be able to establish friendships if you show that you really like people.

A. sad and lonely

B. emotionally health

C. without real love for them

D. a sense of security

E. a lonely wolf

F. without pity

5. If you had no one to share your feelings, your life would be____.

A.根据搭配句意判断答案可能为A和B。借助题干中的黑体结构作为答案线索,这样在第2段找到直接答案相关句:How sad and lonely your life would be if you had no one to share your feelings and experiences.

B. emotionally health

C. without real love for them

D. a sense of security

E. a lonely wolf

F. without pity

6. The warm feelings of belongingness may give you ____.

D.直接借助搭配句意选择答案B. emotionally health

C. without real love for them

E. a lonely wolf

F. without pity

7. The ability to establish fine relations with others will keep you ____.

B.借助题干中的特殊结构:keep + pron.+ adj.直接选择答案。也可利用establish fine relations作为答案线索,在第2段最后一句中找到直接答案相关句。

The important point, however, is that keeping emotionally healthy does not depend so much on hing people around you as upon your ability to establish relationships that are satisfying both to you and to them.

B. emotionally health

C. without real love for them

E. a lonely wolf

F. without pity

8. You will find it hard to make friends with people ____.


When you are thrown in a new circle of acquaintance(熟人), you may not know with whom you will make friends, but you can be sure that you will be able to establish friendships if you show that you really like people.






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