

11月24日 编辑 39baobao.com


I've been authorized to go ahead and discuss an agreement with you.

The term is too short for us to make a profit.

I'd like to suggest a four-year contract.

If the agreed sales targets were not reached, we'd naturally terminate our agreement.

We'll draft the agreement according to today's talks.

Before we sign the contract, there're still a few points to clarify.

I think the agreement has covered everything.

Please go through the draft contract and make sure everything is all right.

Here's your copy of the amended contract.

Do you he my ment on this clause?

The contract is to be written in Chinese and English and both languages are equally effective.

There's one thing we can't accept in the Clause 8.

We had a close study of the contract last night.

There're a few points we he to discuss again before we sign the contract.

I he no more questions about this clause.

Do you he any different ideas about the clauses and wording?

I'm so glad that we've reached an agreement on the particular contract.

We'll sign the contract tomorrow morning, at 8, in the meeting-room, shall we?

We're going to he a signing ceremony and the head of the two panies will be present.

I think everything's ready for our signatures on the contract now.


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