[考研英语复习每日一练之阅读题]考研名师宫东风每日一练题目序号 题型归类第1题 中心主旨题型第2题 审题定位与反推题型第3题 全文归纳推导题型第4题 写作手法题型第5题 例(举)证题型Roger Rosenbla...+阅读
An Unexpected Day
Originally in Aulacese
Since the moment galaxies fused together,
The cosmos has been an invisible tempest!
Tipsy in love, the sun and moon fot their bashfulness;
The endless night swiftly bloomed into dawn.
I’ve wandered much in the realm of fantasy:
Pebbles and stones mistaken for precious jewels.
So turbulent my world in this intangible maze,
Lost in the illusion, youthful purity faded...
Then one day, I entered an astounding dimension;
A thousand-year infatuation from a single glance of passion!
Awestruck since time immemorial, now es our joyous celebration
The Earth aglow, illuminates all other plas.
Taking each other to the eternal shore,
Thousands of words halted at our lips!
A warm embrace filled with deep affection,
Sweetly fragrant breath perfumed Earth and Heen.
自那刻 星球交错
乾坤生 无形风波
日月醉 情忘怯涩
夜忽开 黎明一朵!
屡奔波 假想疆领
东方玉 卵石自许
天地倾 幻象震落
迷梦累 岁月年轻
某一时 忽至奇域
瞥一眼 千秋沈浮!
魂痴迷 饮宴欢乐
尘寰间 星光遍布
相偕去 绵远彼岸
万千言 停于唇瓣
爱依依 热怀深拥
天地间 芳息馨暖
Help from an Unexpected SourceHelp from an Unexpected SourceIt was March 29, 1944, and the twentieth mission for our B-17 crew. We were assigned to the 401st Squadron of the "Mighty Eighth"...
每日习语12.7:to cry in one’s beer有不少美国人经常到酒吧间去,一面喝酒,一面聊天。还有的人在心情不好的时候喜欢到酒吧间去喝酒解闷。我们今天要讲的俗语就是和这种习惯有关的。 To cry in one's beer,它的意...
每日习语8.21:skull session今天我们要讲的和 SKULL 有关的习惯用语是: SKULL SESSION. SKULL SESSION 就是几个人在一起为了解决某些问题而交换想法,或者是让自己动动脑筋,在某一个专题上丰富自己的知...
刑法每日一题今日题目: 某晚,甲潜入乙家中行窃,被乙发现后携所窃赃物(价值900余元)逃跑,乙紧追不舍。甲见杂货店旁有辆未熄火摩托车,车主丙正站在车旁吸烟,便骑上摩托车继续逃跑。次日,丙在街上发...
2008年会计从业基础知识每日一练一、单项选择题 某企业年初资产总额为126000元,负债总额为48000元。本年度取得收入共计89000元,发生费用共计93000元,月末负债总额为50000元,则该企业年末资产总额为( )。 A.124000...
每日语法8.21:感官动词 + doingto do8.12 感官动词 + doing/to do 感官动词 see, watch, observe, notice, look at, hear, listen to, smell, taste, feel + do 表示动作的完整性,真实性;+doing 表示动作的连续...
2008年会计从业财经法规每日一练一、单项选择题 下列税款征收方式中,适用于针对零星,分散的高税率产品征收的方式是( )。 A.查定征收 B.定期定额征收 C.查验征收 D.查帐征收 【正确答案】:C 【参考解析】:查验征收一...
每日词汇8.21:deserve 值得;应受;应该得到deserve vt. 1、值得;应受;(常与to 连用) These people deserve our help. 这些人值得我们帮助。 If you do wrong, you deserve punishment. 你如做错事, 应当受罚。 2、应该得...