The third leadership quality Austin had was an unshakable confidence in himself, and in the rightness of what he was doing. According to Professor Cantrell, he never even considered the possibility of failure. He learned to recognize his strengths and pensate for his weaknesses. Criticism bounced off. Austin viewed mistakes simply as an opportunity for learning.
商业演讲之餐后演说It is a great honor and prestige to be asked to make a speech here tonight. I he chosen a rather serious, unpleasant subject for tonight's speech: it is the probl...
怎样做好一场演说首先从演讲稿的内容说起 无论任何文体的文章,内容是王,一篇好的演讲稿注定是自己真情实感的自然流露,才能打动人,也才能在一定程度上起到说服人、鼓动人的作用。也就是说适合自...
奥巴马大选胜选演说《美国的变革》参考文本: Barack Obama’s Victory Speech: Change Has e To America If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are poss...