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1. They feel they are justified ____ the child because he was not behing himself.

A. to punishB. to be punishing 

C. in punishingD. punishing

2. ____ in the first round of the petition, our team took the earliest flight back.

A. Being knocked outB. Hing been knocked out

C. We were knocked outD. We had been knocked out

3. If the door was not forced open, ____ that the burglar must he had a key.

A. it followsB. it is followed

C. following isD. it will be followed

4. Miss Helen always buys ____ priced clothes.

A. higherB. highC. highestD. highly

5. By 1990, production in the area is expected to double ____of 1980.

A. thatB. itC. oneD. what

6. I did not choose any of the three offerings, because I found ____ satisfactory.

A. neither of themB. none of it 

C. either of them D. none of them

7. A panda's primary activity is sleep, ____ its waking hours looking for food.

A. that it spendsB. for spending

C. and it spendsD. will spend

8. The university of California, ____ in 1868, is administered by president and governed by a twentyfourmember board of regents.

A. foundedB. has been founded 

C. to he been founded D. was founded

9. ____ of the play, Desire Under the Elm, introduces the cast of characters and hints at the plot.

A. The act firstB. Act first

C. First ActD. Act One

10. I'd rather we ____ our lesson now.

A. heB. hadC. should heD. shall he

11. Their walkingtour through Springfield never came ____.

A. toB. offC. outD. round

12. The conflict between romantic ____ and harsh reality has been the theme

of many great novels.

A. fantasiesB. perceptionsC. affairsD. revelations

13. Bob's work is ____ to Tom's.

A. interiorB. inferiorC. exteriorD. better

14. Sunglasses serve to ____ eyes from the glare of the sun.

A. shieldB. shelterC. defendD. guard

15. They bought that piece of land with a ____ to building a new shopping center.

A. purposeB. reasonC. viewD. goal

16. To be ____, I couldn't understand what he was driving at.

A. modestB. frankC. sincereD. trivial

17. The exact cause of the killing disease was not known until Dr. Smith discovered it ____.

A. by all meansB. by accident 

C. by handD. by and by

18. Did found the book ____, it provided him with so much information about the subject.

A. flatteringB. fabricating 

C. enlighteningD. perplexing

19. He had deceiveda great many people but she ____him at once.

A. saw throughB. saw off

C. saw aboutD. saw into

20. It's on the top shelf, out of ____.

A. reachB. touchC. handD. distance

21. All the hotels in the town were full up so we stayed in a ____village.

A. closeB. nearC. nearbyD. neighborhood

22. He does not work but he gets a good ____ from his investment.

A. ineB. salaryC. wageD. earning

23. Mr. Black asked his son Olive to buy a ____ of bread at the baker's near his school.

A. poundB. loafC. bagD. packet

24. This detective story may not be ____ interesting to keep the child awake.

A. inadequatelyB. enoughC. sufficientlyD. amply

25. The two pieces of fried steak Karl had for dinner ge him a(n)____.

A. headacheB. infectionC. soar throatD. upset stomach


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