

12月10日 编辑 39baobao.com

[日常交际常用的35个沟通小技巧]卡耐基曾经说过,一个人的成功,约有 15%取决于知识和技能,85%取决于沟通 发表自己意见的能力和激发他人热忱的能力。的确,善于沟通的人,往往令人尊敬、受人爱戴、得人拥护。整理有...+阅读


Our terms are 2% ten days, thirty days .


We only allow a cash discount on payments made within ten days of date of invoice.


Terms to approved buyers strictly cash, payment within thirty days from invoice date, for prompt cash we will allow thirty days interest, at the rate of 5% per annum.

(4)条件: 即期发货。在货到我方工厂, 经过验讫重量品质后,立即以现金支付。

Terms: early delivery, and cash payment after receipt of the material at our works, and verification of weight and quality.


Cash discounts are allowed only on accounts that are paid within the ten-day limit.


You will find that we he given you the best terms customary in our business.


My habit is to settle on the 25th all bills rendered on or before the 1st of each and every month.


Our terms are cash within three months of date of delivery, or subject to 5 per cent discount if paid within one month.


In answer to your inquiry fo rthe article, we reply you sd follows.


In reply to your enquiry of yesterdays date, we are sending you herewith several samples of wall paper closely resembling to what you want.

(11) 兹就该商品向贵方报价如下:

We are pleased to quote you for the goods as following.


Enclosed we hand you a price-current for the goods.


Of course these quotations are all subject to the fluctuations of the market.


We think you can well accord us a substantial discount off your list prices, which we see are quoted cash.


We shall be glad if you will quote us the best discount for cash off your list price for cash for this quantity.


Our terms, as our invoice states, are 2% cash discount, only within ten days of date of invoice.


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