[时间概念,宝宝如何掌握]时间:2006年08月25日09:46 【搜狐母婴频道】 我们都知道时间的重要性,知道迟到意味着什么:得罪朋友,误了航班,甚至会受到老板的批评。但是,在宝宝的小脑袋里,能装得下我们的这些理...+阅读
汉语和英语两种语言之间最基本的区别在于句法方面。英语重形合 (hypotaxis),句中各意群、成分都用适当的连接词 (connective)、介词 (preposition)、非限定性动词短语 (phrase)或从句 (clause)等来表达其相互关系,因而结构严谨但缺乏弹性;而汉语句法则重意合(parataxis),句中各意群、成分通过内在的联系贯穿在一起,不一定或很少用连接词、介词,也没有非限定性动词短语或从句,因此结构松散,但富于弹性,从句子整体来看,意义清楚,不会产生误解。
Chronological (temporal) sequence 顺序
At first, first, firstly, second, secondly, then, next, eventually, in the end, lastly, later, subsequently, at the same time, simultaneously, afterwards, finally, last but not least
Additive 补充
And, in addition, moreover, besides, above all, further, furthermore, not only … but also, what is more, in the same way
parison 考试大比较
Likewise, equally, similarly, in parison, correspondingly, in the same way
parison / Contrastive 比较 / 对比
But, however, whereas, conversely, in contrast, unlike, on the contrary, on the other hand, yet
Concessive 让步
However, nevertheless, even though, still, yet
Expressing an alternative 提出可选项
Alternatively, on the other hand, rather
Causal (result/consequence) 因果
Consequently, so, accordingly, as a result, for this reason, hence, thus, owing to this/that, due to this/that, because of this/that, therefore, with this in mind, under these circumstances
Example / illustration 举例
For example, that is, such as, for instance, thus, as follows, the following, in this case
Explanation / rephrasing 解释
That is to say, in other words, namely, this means, to put it in another way, to put it simply
Thematising/starting a new point 提出新观点
With regard to, in regard to, with reference to, turning to, as for…, as far as… is concerned
Generalisation / hedging 模糊限制语
Generally, in general, on the whole, in most cases, normally, as a rule, in most cases, usually, for the most part
Interpersonal (情感)交际
Fortunately, unfortunately, certainly, luckily, needless to say, strangely enough
Emphasis/highlighting 强调
Mainly, especially, notably, in particular, particularly, clearly then
Conclusion 总结
In conclusion, to conclude, finally, to sum up, in brief, therefore
Condition/deduction 条件
Otherwise, under the circumstances, if so, if not, in that case, otherwise
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