

11月30日 编辑 39baobao.com


说明:* 表示重要;在重音模式标注中,一个“-”代表一个音节。

1. *a- [Latin] 1) see ab-

[Greek] 2) not, without [an- before a vowel]: amoral, anarchy, acentric, asocial, apolitical, anarchism

[English] 3) at, on, in, intensive: aback, afloat, abed, ablaze, aloud, asleep, abreast

2. *ab- away [a- before m, p, v; abs- before c, t]: abdicate, abduct, abjure, abominable, ert, abstract, absorb, abnormal, abuse, abaxial

3. *–ability n. of adj. ending in –able: stability, changeability, adaptability(重音a’bility)/[biliti/

4. *–able [often -ible after t, s]1) that can ~: perishable, changeable, adaptable 2) that can be ~ed: provable, expendable, readable, irresistible 3) full of ~: knowledgeable 4) [added to stems]: capable, probable(通常不影响重音,但’reconcile→irrecon’cilable)

5. *-ably adv. of adj. ending in –able: peaceably, fortably, suitably (通常不影响重音)

6. *ac- see ad-

7. *–ac 1) characteristic of: elegiac, demoniac 2) of, relating to: cardiac 3) affected by, hing: maniac (both adj. and n.) (重音’- - ac)/Ak/

8. –acal =-ac adj. maniacal (重音’- acal)/[k[l/

9. acantho- thorn [acanth- before a vowel]: acanthoid

10. –acea用于动物纲名、目名: Crustacea(重音’acea)/eiFi[/

11. –acean 1) adj. of words ending in –acea or –acea (=aceous) 2) a member of the stated category: Crustacean(重音’acean)/eiFi[n/

12. –aceae 用于植物科名: Pinaceae (重音’aceae)/eisii:/

13. –aceous 1) adj. of words ending in –acea or –acea: Crustaceous 2) adj. [added to stems]: curvaceous, herbaceous (重音’aceous)/eisi[s/

14. –acerb- bitter, violent: acerbic, acerbity, exacerbate

15. aceto- 醋酸 [acet- before a vowel]: acetic, acetate

16. *–acious adj. characterized by, inclined to, full of: tenacious, fallacious, rapacious, sagacious, veracious (重音’acious)/eiFi[s/

17. *–acity n. of words ending in –acious: tenacity, sagacity, rapacity, veracity (重音’acity) /Asiti/

18. *–acle n. thing: spectacle, obstacle, manacle, tentacle, pentacle (不影响重音)

19. acou- listen: acoustic, acouophone

20. acri- sour, sharp: acrimonious, acrimony

21. *acro- 1) pointed: acrocephaly 2) topmost: acronym, acrobat, acrophobia

22. actino- of rays: actinotherapy, actinogram

23. acu-, acut- sharp: acute, acupuncture, acumen

24. *–acy n. [esp. of adj. ending in –ate] quality, position, condition: accuracy, obstinacy, determinacy, privacy, intimacy (不影响重音)

25. *ad- motion towards, addition to, nearness to, intensive

[ab- before b]: abbreviate

[ac- before c, k, qu]: acquit, accept, accustom, account, accredit, acpany

[af- before f]: afforest, affright, affix, affirm

[ag- before g]: aggrate, aggression, aggrandize

[al- before l]: alleviate, allude

[an- before n]: annotate, annex, announce

[ap- before p]: appoint, appropriate, appraise, appease

[ar- before r]: arrest, arrive, arrange, arrear

[as- before s]: assess, assault, assimilate, assure, associate

[at-before t]: attire, attest, attune, attract

[a- before sc, sp, st]: ascend, aspire, astringent

[ad- before h, j, m, v] admonish, adhere, adjacent, advertise, adjust, admixture, adventure

26. –ad [Greek] 1) the name of certain collective numerals: dyad, monad 2) the title of any of certain poems: Iliad 3) any of certain plants: cycad

[Latin] 4) adv. towards, in the direction of: caudad (不影响重音)

27. *–ade 1) the act of ~ing: blockade 2) result or product: arcade 3) participants in an action: brigade 4) drink made from: lemonade (重音: ‘ade)/eid/

28. adeno- gland or glands [aden- before a vowel]: adenoma, adenoid

29. adip- fat: adipose

30. *aer-, aeri-, aero- air: aerate, aerogram, aerospace, aerosphere, airy, aerial, aerodrome, aerolith, aerial, aerify, aerology

31. *af- see ad-

32. *Afro- African: Afro-American

33. *after- ing behind or later: aftertaste, aftermath, aftercare, afterlife

34. *ag- see ad-

35. *–ag-, -ig-, -agit- (frequentative), -act- do, drive, make: agent, agenda, activate, agitate, enact, actual, activism, activity, counteract, exact, exacting, inactive, inaction, interact, react, transact, agency, agile, agility, litigate, nigate

36. *–age n. 1) action, condition, or result of: marriage, cleage, usage, shrinkage 2) amount or number of: acreage, mileage, percentage 3) cost of: postage, freightage, wharfage 4) place of: steerage, village, anchorage 5) collection of: peerage, package, wrappage 6) home of: hermitage, orphanage 7) loan words from French: sage, voyage (不影响重音)

37. –agog-, -agogue 1) leader: demagogue 2) a substance that induces the secretion of: galactagogue (重音’- agogue)

38. –agon- contend agony, agonize, antagonist, protagonist

39. *agri-, agro- [agr- before a vowel] field: agriculture, agrarian, agrology, agricorporation, agronomy, agrobiology, agro-town, agrestic, agrochemicals

40. –ain n. 1) person: villain, captain, chieftain 2) thing: quatrain (不影响重音)

41. *–aire n. 1) person: millionaire, doctrinaire 2) thing: questionnaire (重音’aire)/Z[/

42. *al- [Arabic] 1) used in words of Arabic origin: algebra, alchemy

[Latin] 2) see ad-

43. *–al 1) adj. of, like, or suitable for: hysterical, theatrical, personal, national, natural, exceptional 2) n. the act or process of: arrival, rehearsal, recital, appraisal, overthrowal 3) 醛: furfural 4) 巴比土酸盐: barbital (重音:一般不影响重音,但如果前面拼写是双辅音或发音是双元音,重音则为’ – al; 另外,若前面为ic,则重音为’ - ical)

44. alacri- quick: alacrity

45. alb- white: albino, album, albumen

46. –algia pain: odontalgia, nostalgia, neuralgia (重音’algia)/AldVi[/

47. ali- another, other: alias, alibi, alien

48. *–ality: n. of adj. ending in –al: mentality, morality, logicality, formality, technicality (重音’ality)/Aliti/

49. *–ally adv. of adj. ending in –al: actually, politically, climaticaaly, heroicaaly, conditionally

50. *-alter- the other: adultery, adulterate, alternate, alternative

51. *–alt- high: altitude, exalt, alto, altar, altimeter, altimetry, altocumulus

52. *–am-, -amor-, -amat- love: amity, amorous, amatory, amour, paramour, amateur, amateurish

53. *ambi- both, around: ambidextrous, ambience

54. *–ambul- walk: ambulance, preamble, somnambulism, ambulant, perambulate, ambulate, noctambulant

55. –amen- as one wishes: amenity, amenable

56. –amic- friend: amicable

57. amphi- two: amphibian, amphitheater

58. –ampl- large: ample, amplify, amplifier

59. amylo- 淀粉: amyloid

60. *an- 1) see a- 2) see ad-

61. *–an n. and adj. 1) (one) belonging to or hing some relation to: diocesan 2) (one) born in or living in: Mexican, African, European 3) (one) believing in or following: Lutheran, Mohammedan (通常不影响重音,但’ean /i:[n/)

62. *ana- 1) up, upward: anadromous 2) back, backward: anagram 3) again: Anabaptist 4) throughout: analysis 5) according to, similar to: analogy

63. *–ana sayings, writings, anecdotes, facts, or objects of: Americana, Victoriana (重音’ana)/ana/

64. *–ance n. 1) the act or process of: discontinuance, resistance, attendance, guidance 2) the quality or state of being: forbearance, vigilance 3) a thing that ~s: hindrance 4): a thing that is ~ed: utterance (通常重音’ - - ance,但如果前面拼写是双辅音或发音是双元音,重音则为’- ance)

65. –ancill- maidservant: ancillary

66. *–ancy =ance [but different words may take different endings]: buoyancy, expectancy, occupancy, conservancy, elegancy, militancy (通常重音’ - - ancy,但如果原词末尾发音是双辅音或双元音,重音则为’- ancy)

67. –and see -end

68. *–andr- male, man: polyandry, androgynous, android

69. –androus hing the stated number of stamens: monandrous

70. –ane 1) 饱和烃: methane, ethane 2) 某些环状化合物: cyclohexane

71. *–aneity n. of adj. ending in –aneous: spontaneity, spontaneity, contemporaneity (重音’eity)/i:[ti/

72. *–aneous adj. of a certain quality: extraneous, spontaneous, instantaneous, miscellaneous (重音’aneous)/eini[s/

73. angio- blood vessel: angiomatosis

74. *Anglo- Britain: anglophile, Anglophobia, Anglo-American

75. *–anim- 1) spirit, breath, life, mind: animal, animate, inanimate, animism, unanimous, magnanimous, longanimity, exanimate, reanimate, animated 2) hostility: animosity

76. *–ann-, -enn- year: annual, annuity, biannual (twice a year), annals, anniversary, annalist, annuity, annuitant, superannuate, biennial (once very two years), perennial, millennium

77. *-ant [adj. or n. of n. ending in –ance or –ancy] 1) adj. that has, shows or does: defiant, radiant, vigilant, determinant, assistant, repentant 2) n. a person or thing that: occupant, accountant, insurant, informant, coolant, stimulant (通常重音’ - - ant,但如果前面拼写是双辅音或发音是双元音,重音则为’- ant)

78. *ante- before, in front of: anteroom, antecedent, antenatal

79. –anth- flower: anthology, chrysanthemum

80. *-anthrop- humankind: anthropology, philanthropist, paleoanthropology, anthropoid, misanthropy, anthropotomy

81. *anti- [ant- before a vowel] against, the opposite: Antarctica, antibiotic, antihero, antiwar

82. api- bee: apiary

83. apo- [ap- before a vowel or h] away from: apogee, apology, apostasy, aphelion

84. –apt- fit, suitable: aptitude, adapt

85. *–aqua-, -aque- water: aquarium, aqueous, aquatic, aqualung, aqueduct, aquiferous

86. aquil- eagle: aquiline

87. *–ar 1) adj. of, relating to, like, of the nature of: singular, polar,similar, insular, nuclear 2) n. the agent of a particular action =-er: registrar, scholar, beggar, liar, pedlar (不影响重音)

88. –arbitr- judge: arbitrate, arbitrary

89. arc- arch: arcade

90. *arch- chief: archenemy, archbishop

91. *–arch- rule, ruler: monarch, monarchy, anarchy, autarchy, gynarchy, oligarchy, patriarchy, matriarch, plutarchy

92. archaeo-, archeo- ancient: archeology, archeologist

93. -ard-, -ars- burn: ardent, ardor, arson

94. *–ard, -art person or thing [often derog.]: braggart, tankard, drunkard, laggard, Spaniard, coward, wizard (不影响重音)

95. *–arian n. or adj.1) (one) characterized by or hing: octogenarian, centenarian 2) (one) believing in: Unitarian, utilitarian, vegetarian 3) (one) associated with: antiquarian, agrairian(重音’arian)/e[ri[n/

96. *–arium place or container: aquarium, plaarium, sanitarium, ovarium (重音’arium)/e[ri[m/

97. *-arm- arms: armament, armistice

98. *-art- art, skill: artifice, artifact, artisan

99. arteri- of artery: arteriosclerosis

100. arthr- of joints: arthritis

101. –articul- joint: articulate, articulation

102. *–ary: 1) adj. relating to, connected with: ordinary, contemporary, military, urinary, imaginary, elementary 2) n. a person or thing connected with: adversary, dictionary, secretary, notary, missionary, dignitary (通常重音British: ‘- - ary, American: ‘- - ‘ary, 但如果前面拼写是双辅音或发音是双元音,重音则为’ - ary)

103. –ase enzyme: amylase /eis/

104. –asper- rough: asperity, exasperate

105. –ast person (corresponding to words ending in -asm): enthusiast, gymnast(重音’- - ast)

106. *–aster-, -astr- star: asteroid, disaster, astronomer, astrology, astrodog, astronaut, astrophysics, astral, asterisk, asteroid

107. –aster person of the stated kind (derog.): poetaster, medicaster, philosophaster

108. *–ate v. 1) to bee: evaporate, maturate 2) to cause to bee: invalidate, rejuvenate, differentiate 3) to form or produce: ulcerate 4) to provide or treat with: vaccinate, hypenate 5) to out in the form of, or form by means of: delineate 6) to arrange for: orchestrate 7) to bine, infuse or treat with: oxygenate (通常重音’- - ate /eit/)

109. *–ate adj. 1) of or characteristic of: collegiate, corporate, roseate 2) hing or filed with: passionate, proportionate, affectionate 3) roughly corresponding to p.p ending in –ed animate, determinate (通常重音’- - ate /it/)

110. *-ate n. an office, function, agent, official or group of officials: potentate, directorate, advocate, candidate 2) the land, territory, or dominion of: priorate, sultanate 3) a person or thing that is the object of: legate, mandate 4) [in chemistry] slat made from any of certain acides with names ending in –ic: nitrate, carbonate, borate 5) [in chemistry] a result of some process: distillate (通常重音’- - ate /it/)

111. –athlon an sports event or activity for collecting money: decathlon, talkathlon

112. *–atic adj. of n. ending in –ate, -cy, -m or after a root: climatic, ecstatic, aquatic, systematic (重音’atic)/Atik/

113. *–ation n. of v. ending in –ate or –te [action, condition or result]: animation, invitation, variation, quotation, examination (重音’ation)/eiF[n/

114. *–ative adj. of n. ending in –ation: speculative, illustrative (重音与原动词同,但如果前面拼写是双辅音或发音是双元音,重音则为’ - ative)

115. *–ator doer: educator, instigator (重音与原动词同)

116. *-atory 1) adj. of some n. ending in –ation: explanatory, derogatory, preparatory 2) n. place: conservatory, laboratory, latory (通常重音英音’ - atory,美音’ – a’tory;英音la’boratory,美音’labora’tory )

117. atmo- air: atmosphere

118. -atroc- cruel: atrocity, atrocious

119. atropho- atrophy: atrophoderma

120. –audac- bold: audacity, audacious

121. *–audi-, -audit-, audio- listen: audio, audit, audition, auditorium, audible, inaudible, auditor, audiometer, audiology, audiovisuals

122. *–aug-, -auct- increase: augment, auction, auctioneer

123. *–augur- sign, herald: augury, inaugurate, augural, inauguration

124. aur- ear: auricle, auricular

125. *Austro- Austrian: Austro-Hungarian

126. *–author- right, author: authoritative, authorship, authority, authorize, unauthorized

127. *auto- [aut- before a vowel] self: autism, autograph, autobiography, autarchy

128. –auxili- help: auxiliary

129. –i- bird, flight: iation, iator, ian, iary, iculture

130. –uncul- uncle: uncular

131. *back- backward: backslide, backfire, backpedal, backdate

132. bacteri- bacteria: bactericide

133. -barbar- sage: barbarous, barbarism, barbaric

134. baro- pressure: barometer, barometric, baroscope, isobar

135. –bas- low: abase, basement, debase

136. basi-, baso- of the base, of alkalis: basophilia

137. *–bat- beat, strike: battle, batant, nonbatant, bat, battle

138. bathy- deep, sea: bathysphere

139. *be- 1) treat in the stated way [added to n. and adj.]: befriend, belittle, becalm, befool 2) around: besiege, beset 3) furnish with, cover with: besprinkle, becloud, bedew 4) wearing: bespectacled, bewhiskered 5) pletely, thoroughly: bedeck, besmear 6) away: beree, betake, behead 7) about [added to other verbs, making them into vt.]: bethink, bemoan, befall

140. beat- happy: beatific, beatitude

141. *–bel-, -bell- war, fight: rebel, rebellious, bellicose, belligerent

142. *bene- well, good: benediction, benefactor, benefit, benevolent

143. benzo- 苯: benzene

144. *bi- two: bicycle, binary, bilingual, biweekly

145. *–bi-, -bio- life: biology, biography, amphibian, autobiography, biotic, antibiotic, biosphere, biochemistry, bioclean, bioelectricity

146. bili- of bile: bilirubin

147. *biblio- book: bibliography, bibliophile, bibliomania, Bible

148. blasto- 胚,芽: blastoderm

149. *-bon- [positive] good; -melior- [parative] better; -optim- [superlative] best: bonus, ameliorate, optimist, optimize

150. *–bound: 1) kept in the stated condition: snowbound 2) moving in the stated direction: westbound (不影响重音)


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