
Making ArrangementsII——Passing on of Information

11月24日 编辑 39baobao.com

[Making ArrangementsI——Requesting Information]Mr. Shelli is the Sales Manager of Modern Office Limited. He buys office equipment in Europe and sells it in Dongali. The equipment is usually sent by sea. Toda...+阅读

First Maria tells her boss what she has found out from the shipping agents The consignment is due to arrive on Saturday. It will take two days to unpack the crates and clear the customs. Then the typewriters must be. tested before they can be sent to Mr Marengo, the Principal of the Government Secretarial College. Mr Shelli asks Maria to passe on this information to Mr Marengo. Here are the arrangements.

MR SHELLI: Maria, did you find out when those typewriters are due to arrive?

MARIA: Yes, Mr Shelli. I telephoned the shipping agents and they said the ship should be here on Saturday.

MR SHELLI: On Saturday? I see. When did the ship lee Marseilles?

MARIA: Two weeks ago. And the voyage From Marseilles takes about three weeks.

MR SHELLI: Hm …… I see, so it should be hereat the end of this week.

MARIA: That' right.

MR SHELLI: So when can we collect the typewriters?

MARIA: Well, it usually takes two days to unload the cargo. Then it has to clear the Customs.I think we could collect the shipment on Tuesday.

MR SHELLI: Morning or afternoon?

MARIA: I don't know. I'll telephone the agent on Tuesday morning to ask if the shipment is ready for collection. If it is, we'll send the van to collect it.

MR SHELLI: You see, if we collect the typewriters before noon on Tuesday,we, can unpack them on Tuesday afternoon. But then we will he to test them and make sure they are all working properly. How many typewriters are there in the shipment?

MARIA: Forty. So that will take almost a day.

MR SHELLI: Mm … Tuesday, Wednesday.So, the typewriters will be ready for delivery to the customers by Thursday morning.Maria, will you telephone the Government Secretarial College,and ask for the Principal,Mr Marengo.Tell him his twenty typewriters should arrive on Thursday morning.

MARIA: Certainly, Mr Shelli. (LIFTS RECEIVER)

MR MARENGO: Government Secretarial College. Mr Marengo speaking.

MARIA: Oh, good morning, Mr Marengo.This is Modern Office Limited. The twenty type writers you ordered from us should be here on Saturday.

MR MARENGO: On Saturday? When can you deliver them?

MARIA: Well, it takes about two days to unload the ship and clear the goods through Customs.

MR MARENGO: Two days to unload and clear Customs?

MARIA: Yes, and then it takes us another two days to unpack all the crates and test the machines.

MR MARENGO: So they should arrive on Thursday.

MARIA: Yes. I'll give you a ring on Thursday morning to tell you what time to expect them.

MR MARENGO: Thank you very much. Goodbye.

MARIA: Goodbye.


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