
E-mail Or E-jail

11月05日 编辑 39baobao.com

[Flirting flourishes by E-Mail]" Your eyes are two pools that twinkle like stars in the sky." These sweet nothings are traditionally best sent in feather-inked 1 on fine, perfumed parchment2....+阅读

Most of us can remember the days when we didn't use e-mail as an everyday vehicle1 for munication. Slowly but surely, it crept2 into our lives. E-mail is a valuable tool for college students at any level. It's ailable 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and even at holidays. Most universities assign students an account upon entrance, so there is usually not even an option involved.You can do everything from consulting on homework and projects, keeping in touch with classmates, corresponding with3 family and friends, and getting daily news services to keeping you posted4 on world events. But, what are the disadvantages?

E-mail can be e-jail. You might spend hours writing and responding to e- mails when you should be hitting5 the books for an uping exam. Or, you might be signed up6 for so many daily services, such as horoscopes7, news services, or personals, that your mailbox is so filled up with " junk8 mail" ,that finding the important e-mails through your mailbox might take hours.

If you're a student, time is at a premium9. Create and anize your e-mail folders into important school-related mail, correspondence with friends and family, and a miscellaneous10 folder for jokes, horoscopes, and other news services. Always put the mail into the appropriate folders first, and when you're finished, head for the important school-related folder first. Respond to the most important e-mails first and, if you he time, you can get to the others.

Discourage your friends from forwarding11 those tiresome joke lists, sex quizzes, and chain e-mails. The minute you realize you've got one, delete it immediately so you won't be tempted to read it








1.vehicle n.传播媒介

2.creep vi.悄悄地行进,不知不觉地到来

3.correspond vi.(与with连用)通信

4.post vt.[口]向…提供最新消息

5.hit vt.[美俚]埋头于

6.sign up 报名(或签约)从事

7.horoscope n.根据星象算命

8.junk n.[口]乱七八糟的东西,胡说八道

9.at a premium 高价的,难得的

10.miscellaneous adj.混杂的

11.forward vt.转交,转运
