
base address 基址

11月04日 编辑 39baobao.com

[看了墨尔本的房价,买家都准备购入The Address了]作为澳洲的经济和文化中心,墨尔本房产价格呈稳步上涨趋势,且具有较大的上升空间。墨尔本房价由之前的低迷时期不断攀升,房屋的销售市场也与日俱增。近几年墨尔本房价升值迅猛,租...+阅读

base address 基址:

the part of a two-part memory address that remains constant and provides a reference point from which the location of a byte of data can be calculated. a base address is acpanied by an offset value that is added to the base to determine the exact location(the absolute address)of the information. the concept is similar to a street address system . for example, "2010 main street " plus an offset(10from the beginning of the block )。

base address are known as segment address in IBM pcs and patibles; data in these puters is identified by its position as a relative offset the start of the segment.



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