

11月23日 编辑 39baobao.com

[学绣花、记忆大考验]学绣花 角色游戏一开始,绣花坊里就坐满了小朋友。菊菊拿出自己早上没有绣好的 猫头鹰 ,继续开始绣。不一会儿一根咖啡色的绣花线就绣完了,他把作品拿到我的旁边,让我帮他打结。...+阅读


1: Which of the following does NOT mean that you he a boyfriend or girlfriend?

I'm seeing someone.

I'm hanging out with someone.

I'm going out with someone.

I'm with someone.

答案:I'm hanging out with someone:如果和自己的男友或者是女友约会,这个表达就不合适了。不过你要是想和一般的朋友聚聚,就可以用 I'm hanging out with someone。

I'm seeing someone:如果你有男朋友或者是女朋友,你就可以说 I'm seeing someone.

I'm going out with someone:如果你已经有了称心的对象,就可以说 I'm going out with someone.

I'm with someone:如果你说 I'm with someone, 意思就是你已经有男朋友或者是女朋友了。

2: What is the definition of 'a hot date'?

A date you don't really want to go on.

A date in the summer.

A date with someone you find very attractive.

A date in the gym.

答案:A date with someone you find very attractive. 如果约会的对象长得很有吸引力,那么就可以用 hot date 这个词来形容他们。

A date you don't really want to go on.:它正好是 hot date 的反义词。

A date in the gym:在健身房里可用不上这个表达。

3: If you're dating two people at the same time, what do we say in English?





答案:Two-timing:如果你在感情上脚踏两只船,就是 two-timing,而你就是 a two-timer,二者都不是好名称。

Two-dating:英语里没有这个说法。Two-loving:英语里没有这个说法。 Two-seeing:英语里没有这个说法。

4: If someone asks you on a date but you already he a boyfriend or girlfriend, you could say…?

Sorry, I'm spoken with.

Sorry, I'm spoken to.

Sorry, I'm spoken up.

Sorry, I'm spoken for.

答案:Sorry, I'm spoken for:I'm spoken for 意思就是我已经有了一个男朋友或者是女朋友。

I'm spoken with:with 在这里不是正确的介词。英语里从来不会有I'm spoken with 这种说法。

I'm spoken to:英语里从来没有单独使用 I'm spoken to 这样的说法。

I'm spoken up:to speak up 意思就是请说大声点儿,但是我们从来不会说 I'm spoken up。

5: plete the sentence with the correct answer. I waited for 30 minutes for my date to arrive but he didn't turn up. I can't believe I he been __________.

given up.

stood up.

left up.

taken up.

答案:stood up:如果你被人放鸽子了,那就可以说 I've been stood up.

given up:To give something up 就是放弃的意思,但是在这里不适用。

left up:英语里没有 left up 或者是 lee up 这种说法。

taken up:to take something up 就是准备做什么事情了,to take up time 的意思是要花时间,这两个表达都不是被人放鸽子的意思。

6: If you try inter dating, you he to enter lots of details about yourself and maybe even a photo. This would be called your __________ in English.

web page




答案:profile:在网上含有私人信息的网页叫做 profile, 也就是档案的意思。


presentation:presentation 的意思是做报告。

7: Chose a suitable phrase to replace the words in the brackets: The boy (had very strong feelings for)the girl sitting next to him in the school.

hit it off


had a crush on

thought of

答案:had a crush on:To he a rush on someone 就是指心里非常喜欢某人,但是还没有表白过,所以对方可能并不知道。

hit it off:hit it off 是一拍即合的意思,在这里我们只知道男孩的想法,所以这个选择不合适。

8: When someone is head over heels in love, what does it mean?

It took a long time.

They are deeply in love.

Their love is a mistake.

They are in a panic.

答案:They are deeply in love:Head over heels的意思就是爱得很深,一头栽进去了。

9: What's another expression for getting married?

Tie the straw.

Boot off.

Tie the knot.

Patch it up.

答案:Tie the knot:在很多传统里,打了结就意味着不能反悔的誓言。

Tie the straw:英语里没这个说法。

Boot off:boot off 就是被踢出局了,和结婚没联系。

Patch it up:如果小两口吵架了,那么情绪稳定后,和好了就是patch it up。

10: Fill in the gap: He's been single for a while, so his friends tried to set him up on a ______ date, but it didn't work out.





答案:blind:Blind date 就是指别人安排的约会,但当事人对另一方一无所知,也没见过面。

masquerade:masquerade 是化妆舞会,但不适用于这个句子里。

speed:speed dating 现在比较流行,但不适用于这个句子里。

11: What's the expression used to describe someone who is constantly in casual relationships with different people and doesn't want to settle down?

Walking the field.

Out and about.

Playing poker.

Playing the field.

答案:Playing the field:Playing the field 就是对感情玩世不恭的态度。

Walking the field:英语里没有这个说法。

Out and about:out and about 就是到处走走的意思。

Playing poker:打扑克是很好玩,但是这不是正确答案。

12: When someone is so much in love that they feel very sad, then they could be described as being ______.

loved up.

love ill.





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