
对外贸易 Foreign Trade 常用词

11月25日 编辑 39baobao.com

[经贸常用词缩略语集合]商务英语常用词组trust fund 信托基金trust receipt 信托收据type sample 标准样品ultimate consumer 最后消费者unassignable letter of credit 不可转让信用证unclean b/l...+阅读

Trade prospects/outlook 贸易前景

trade cooperation 贸易合作

technological cooperation 技术合作

business cooperation 业务合作

cooperative relationship 合作关系

the scope of cooperation 合作范围

Additional Words and Phrases

trade fair 贸易展销会

trade show 贸易展览

trade agreement 贸易协议

to establish arrangement 达成协议

to reach an agreement 达成协议

trade terms/clause 贸易条款

trade balance 贸易平衡

to conclude a business transaction 达成贸易交易

to work with 与…共事

business activities 经济活动

business house 商行;商号

trading department/mechanics 贸易机构

trade association 贸易协会

the foreign trade department 对外贸易部门

C.C.P.I.T.( China Council for the Promotion of International Trade)中国国际贸易促进会

mercial Counselor's Office中国使馆的商务处

Chamber of merce 商会

trading partnership 经营合伙人

foreign trade personnel 外贸工作者

trading center 贸易中心

trading market 贸易市场

tradesman/trade peoples 商人,零售商

trade by modities 商品贸易

visible trade 有形贸易

invisible trade 无形贸易

barter trade 易货贸易

bilateral trade 双边贸易

triangle trade 三角贸易

multilateral trade 多边贸易

counter trade 对销贸易;抵偿贸易

counter purchase 互购贸易

buy-back 回购贸易

pensation trade 补偿贸易

processing trade 来料加工贸易

assembling trade 来料装配贸易

leasing trade 租赁贸易

in exchange for 用…交换…

trade agreement 贸易协议

business association 业务联系,交往

business connection 业务联系

close relationship 密切的关系

closer ties 更密切的关系

to establish(enter into, set up)business relationship 建立业务关系

to continue business relationship 继续业务关系

to present business relationship 保持业务关系

to improve business relationship 改善业务关系

to promote business relationship 促进业务关系

to speed up business relationship 加快业务关系的发展

to enlarge (widen) business relationship 扩大业务关系

to restore (resume) business relationship 恢复业务关系

to interrupt business relationship 中断业务关系

to cement business relationship 巩固业务关系

foreign trade 对外贸易

overseas trade 海外贸易

international trade 国际贸易

to trade with 和…进行贸易

to do business in a moderate way 做生意稳重

to do business in a sincere way 做生意诚恳

to make a deal 做一笔交易

deal 交易,经营,处理,与…交往

to deal in 经营,做生意

to explore the possibilities of 探讨…的可能性

trade circles 贸易界

to handle 经营某商品

to trade in 经营某商品

business scope/frame 经营范围

trading firm/house 贸易行,商行



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