

11月27日 编辑 39baobao.com


Part I:极速词法

1、crowd n. 人群;

2、it’s a good thing…幸亏;

3、make a reservation 做预定;

4、steak n. 牛排;

5、black pepper 黑胡椒;

6、order vt. 点(菜);

7、make up my mind下定决心;

8、lobster n. 龙虾;

9、you can say that again千真万确,一点不错;

10、in one’s free time在(某人)的空余时间里;

11、sports n. 运动;

12、skiing n. 滑雪;

13、forite adj. 最喜欢的,n. 最爱;

14、athlete n. 运动员,喜爱运动的人;

15、training school培训学校;

16、chicken soup 鸡汤;

17、tomato egg drop soup番茄蛋汤;

18、e on 算了吧,得了吧;

19、Can I take your order?你们可以点菜了吗?

20、difficult adj. 困难的; 2

1、run out of sth. 刚刚用光,刚刚卖完;


2、taste vi. 吃起来,尝起来;2

3、terrible adj. 糟糕的

Part II:极速句法


Joan:Look at that crowd! This must be a great place to eat!

Sue:It’s a good thing we made a reservation.

Joan:What do you want to he?

Sue:I’m not quite sure. Maybe I’ll try their steak with black pepper.

Joan:That sounds delicious. He you ever had it before?

Sue:Yeah, but not here. What do you want to order?

Joan:I can’t make up my mind between the steak and the lobster.

Sue:Try the lobster. You can always he a steak.(什么时候吃不上牛排啊/牛排你不是随时想吃就吃的嘛)

Joan:You can say that again.


Laura:So, John, what do you do in your free time?

John:Well, I love sports.

Laura:Really? What sports do you like?

John:Hmm. Football, table tennis, swimming, and skiing are my forites.

Laura:Wow! I didn’t know you were such a great athlete!

John:Oh, no, I’m not. I don’t play them. I just watch them on TV!


1.Look at that crowd! This must be a good training school.

2.It’s a good thing you told me that.

3.Do you he a reservation?

4.I’m calling to make a reservation for 8 people, a table with a good view of the lake.

5.I want to he the chicken soup.

6.Maybe I’ll try the tomato egg drop soup.

7.e on. You can always he the tomato egg drop soup.

8.That sounds interesting.

9.I’ve never tried that before. But the name sounds good. It must be delicious.

10.Can I take your order?

11.To go to see a movie or to go dancing, I can’t make up my mind.

12.I can’t make up my mind between going to see a movie or going dancing.

13.I can’t decide between the steak and lobster. Maybe I’ll he both.

14.The test was too difficult.—You can say that again.

15.Are you ready to order?

16.I’m sorry, there’s no more chicken soup. We just ran out of it.

17.Then I’ll he the tomato egg drop soup.

18.Everything looks delicious.

19.Oh, no! This dish tastes terrible.




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