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IBM invented a puter language back in the 1970s designed specifically for database queries called SEQUEL;those letters stand for Structured English Query Language.Over time,the language has been added to so that it is not just a language for queries,but can also build databases and manage the database engine’s security.IBM released SEQUEL into the public domain,where it became known as SQL.Because of this heritage you can pronounce it“sequel”or spell it out“S-Q-L.”There are various versions of SQL used in today’s database engines.Microsoft SQL Server uses a version called Transact-SQL,or T-SQL,which stands for Transaction SQL.

1.What Is SQL Server?

SQL Server is a client/server relational database management system(RDBMS)that uses Transact-SQL to send requests between a client and SQL Server.

2.Client/Server Architecture

The terms client,server,and client / server can be used to refer to very general concepts or to specific items of hardware or software.At the most general level,a client is any ponent of a system that requests services or resources from other ponents of a system.A server is any ponent of a system that provides services or resources to other ponents of a system.

For example,when you print a document from your workstation on a work,the workstation is the client and the machine that does the print spooling is the server.[1]

Any client/server data-based system consists of the following ponents:

The server一A collection of data items and supporting objects anized and presented to facilitate services,such as searching,sorting,rebining,retrieving,updating,and analyzing data.The database consists of the physical storage of data and the database services.All data access occurs through the server;the physical data is never accessed directly by the client.

.The client — A software program that might be used interactively by a person or that could be an automated process.This includes all software that interacts with the server,either requesting data from or sending data to the database.Examples are management utilities(those that are part of the SQL Server product as well as those bought separately),ad hoc query and reporting software,custom applications,off-the-shelf applications,and Web server-based applications.[2]

The munication between the client and the server一The munication between the client and the server depends largely on how the client and server are implemented.Both physical and logical layers of munication can be identified.[3]

When you municate with someone using the telephone,the telephone system is the physical layer and a spoken natural language is the logical layer of munication.For a data-based system,the physical layer can be a work if the server and the client are on different puters.It can be interprocess munication if the server and the client are on the same puter.The logical munication structure of the physical layer may be low-level operating system calls,a proprietary data access language,or the open structured query language(SQL).

3.SQL Server Platforms

SQL Server runs on the operating systems shown in Fig. 7-4.The SQL Server version 7 server software runs only on the Windows 32-bit API-based operating systems,but you can use all of the operating system platforms to create and execute client applications.


IBM在20世纪70年代,设计了一种专门处理数据库查询的计算机语言SEQUEL,这几个字母是结构化英语查询语言的缩写。随着时间的推移,它增加了许多功能,就不仅是一个查询语言了,还可以创建数据库,管理数据库引擎的安全。IBM把它公开发行,于是就变成了现在为大家所知的SQL。由于历史的原因SQL可以读成sequel,也可以逐字段拼成S-Q-L。在现在的数据库引擎里,已经有了好多种SQL版本。微软SQL server使用的是T-SQL,它代表的是事务SQL。

1.什么是SQL Server?

SQL Server是一个客户机/服务器关系型数据库管理系统(RDBMS),它使用事务SQL在客户机和SQL服务器间传送请求。









3.SQL Server平台

SQL服务器运行在如图7- 4所示的操作系统上。SQL Server第7版服务器软件只运行在32位的基于API的Windows操作系统上,但可以使用所有的操作系统平台去创建和执行客户应用程序。

下表给出了操作系统及它们如何支持或不支持SQL Server 7的更多细节



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