

11月30日 编辑 39baobao.com







If your friend fails to return your money in time, how could you do to get it back and to ask him to return your money in person or by writing a letter? Use specific example.

Undoubtedly, everyone has one or more friends in his or her daily life. Someone often es across the fact that one of his friends borrows some money from him but doesn't return it in time. At this time, he must be confronted with the question how he could do to ask his friend to return his money in person or by writing a letter? If I were forced to choose one of the two, I prefer to ask him to return my money by writing a letter.

One sound reason why I choose writing a letter is based on one true story. Last month, I received a letter from one of my friends unexpectedly. The letter says: " Hello, my dear friend, it's a long time since I saw you last time. I am sorry to bother you when you are up to neck in work, but would you think about the fact that you still hen't returned my money in time? For some reason, I need to use it. Could you return my money back? Thanks for your consideration." I didn't remember the thing until the letter astonished me. Certainly, a few days later, I returned my friend the money and ge him my regret. In my opinion, the letter doesn't hurt me. It helps me to get along with my friend more closely and intimately. If I hadn't received his letter, it would he ruined our friendship in a silent ripple only because of some money. The story is not rare. It can easily e to the conclusion than it is better to get money back by writing a letter.

Although somebody prefers to get his money by asking his friend to return his money in person, I think the notion is negative. As far as I am concerned, Everyone suffers from the strain of modern life. If you drop by your friend just because you want to get your money back ,it will hurt your friend and obviously hurt your relationship. However, a courteous and kind letter not only can solve the problem that wraps you, but also can he your relationship further develop.






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