

11月05日 编辑 39baobao.com

[电信优秀员工发言稿]优秀电信员工演讲稿一尊敬的各位领导、各位评委、各位来宾:大家好!我叫宗强,来自抚州分公司网操中心,我演讲的题目是:超越平凡,做最好的自己。 如果你是一滴水,你是否滋润了一寸...+阅读

LAN (IEEE 802.3 10BaseT)

LAN (Local Area work) is an Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers specification for a class of LANs using four-pair unshielded twisted pair (UTP) cable. See Local Area work.


local area work


local access and transport area


least-cost routing


listed directory number; generally an anization's main telephone number that appears in the telephone book.


listed directory number


local exchange carrier


See loop transmission facilities.

Local Access And Transport Area (LATA)

LATA is a geographic area (called an "exchange" or "exchange area" in the MFJ) within each BOC's franchised area that has been established by a BOC in accordance with the provisions of the MFJ for the purpose of defining the territory within which a BOC may offer its telemunications services. In 1989, there were 198 LATAs, also referred to as market service areas (MSAs), in the United States.

Local Area work (LAN)

LAN is a premises high-speed (typically in the range of 10 Mbps) data munications system wherein all segments of the transmission medium (typically coaxial cable, twisted pair or optical fiber) are contained within an office or campus environment.

Local Channel

In LEC tariffs, a local channel is the local loop that connects customer premises to serving LEC wire centers. In IXC tariffs, the work ponents (transmission, switching, other) used to connect customer premises to serving IXC POPs.

Loop Length

Typically, loop length is a plete electrical circuit; the pair of wires that winds its way from the central office to the telephone set or system at the customer's premises.

Loop Signaling

Loop signaling is a method of signaling over dc circuit paths that utilizes the metallic loop formed by the line or trunk conductors and terminating circuits.

Loop Start

Loop start is a supervisory signal given at a telephone or PBX in response to closing the loop's DC current path.

Loop Transmission Facilities

Loop transmission facilities connect switching systems to customer premises equipm

ent throughout the serving area. A loop is a transmission path between a customer's premises and a LEC central office. The most mon form of loop, a pair of wires, is also called a line. A loop" can be derived from digital loop carrier (DLC) systems also referred to as subscriber loop carrier (SLC) systems.


large-scale integrated circuit

LAN - Local Area work. A data munications work that lies within a limited space (such as a building) to connect telephone lines, puters, modems, printers, etc.

Local Access and Transport Area (LATA) - Geographical boundaries within which local telephone panies may provide local telephone services (and some limited toll services). There are 184 LATAs in the United States.

Leased Line - A phone line dedicated for exclusive use from one location to another. High speed connections require a leased line.

Lifeline/Link-Up Program - A Federal program designed to provide telephone service to the poor and elderly at a reduced cost to assure they can be reached in case of an emergency.

Link - See Hypertext Link

LISTSERV - Mailing lists that act as newsgroups.

Local Number Portability Charge (LNP) - Allows a customer to keep the same phone number and "port" it over to another service provider. This is new to wireless. The terms number portability (NP) and local number portability (LNP) are often used interchangeably.

Local Number Portability Charge (LNP) - This charge may appear on the local portion of a phone bill if you live in an area where local number portability is provided. This fixed monthly charge allows local telephone panies to recover certain costs for providing “portability” to its customers. Local telephone panies may continue to assess this charge on their customers’ telephone bills for five years from the date the local telephone pany first began itemizing the charge on the bill. This is not a tax.

Login Name - The unique account name used to access a puter system. Also called user ID or user name, it is a way people identify themselves to their online service or Inter access provider.



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