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account: In this sense, a record of financial transactions *; money on deposit in a bank.

For example: I guess your work has to do with checking accounts.

We ve had an account with them for years.

You don t make much on that kind of account.

2. board of directors董事会

board of directors: a group of people who control the activities of a bank or pany.

For example: Are the members of the board of directors stockholders?

When will the board of directors stockholders?

He s member of the board of directors.

3. capital资本,资金

Capital: In this sense, the money used to start a bank or pany.

For example: They put up the necessary capital.

What is the amount of the capital?

They had some trouble raising the capital.

4. cashier现金主管

Cashier: an officer of a bank in charge of the money, which goes in and out of a bank or pany.

For Example: They hire the president and vice-president, along with the cashier.

You d better see the cashier about that.

The cashier is on vacation just now.

5. charter银行执照

Charter: in this sense, permission granted by the government to do business.

For example: They were granted a charter by the government.

When was the charter granted?

I don t think they ll be able to get a charter.

6. checking支票帐户,活期存款

Checking account: an account in bank from which money can be drawn by check.

For example: I guess your work has to do with checking accounts.

How much money is left in my checking account?

I d like to close my checking account.

7. Clerical 银行行员的

Clerical: hing to do with the keeping of records and with correspondence.

For example: The board hires them, along with the clerical workers.

We re behind on our clerical work.

Do you he any clerical jobs open now?

8. dividend红利

R>Dividend: a sum of money paid to a stockholder or shares of stock issued to him out or profits in relation to his investment.

For example: The stockholders receive regular dividends.

The last dividend was quite large.

How much did you receive in dividends?

9. invest投资

Invest: put money into a business in order to make a profit .

For Example: I d like to invest in some mutual bonds.

How much money does she he to invest?

10. investment投资,投资金额

Investment: money put into a business in order to make profit; the act of doing this.

For Example: Planning the bank s investments is very important.

I want to talk to you about my investments.

Would you make an investment of that kind?

11. loan贷款

Loan: In this sense, money which one person allows another to use for a specified time and which will be returned with an additional payment for its use; the act of giving out such money.

For example: I guess your work has to do with making loans.

He s afraid he s made a bad loan.

What is the amount of the loan?

12. president 行长,董事长

President: the officer who has the major responsibility for the management of a business.

For example: The board hires the president and vice-presidents.

This decision will he to be made by the president.

Doesn t that pany he a new president?

13. profit利润

Profit: earnings remaining after all the expenses of a business activity he been paid.

For example: Do you divide all the profits among the stockholders?

We expect to make a nice profit this year.

The profits he been slowly rising.

14. reserves储备,储备金

Reserves: in this sense, earnings kept back for later use.

For example: Some of our earnings are held in reserve accounts.

Their reserves are getting pretty low.

They were lucky to he such large reserves.

15. sings account储蓄帐户,定期存款

Sings account: an account in a bank on which the depositor receives interest.

For example: I guess you has to do work sings accounts.

They he a sings account with us.

He decided to put the money in a sings account.

16. statement财务报表

Statement: In this sense, an announcement of a bank s financial condition

For example: Here s copy of our last published statement.

You he every reason to be proud of this statement.

Our new statement will be published next week.

17. stockholder股东,股票持有者

Stockholder: a party who holds part ownership in a pany.

For example: The stockholders own it.

The statement will be sent to all the stockholders.

He s one of our largest stockholders.

18. surplus盈余

Surplus: money owned by a pany in addition to its capital.

For example: The reserves are shown here as surplus and undivided profits.

The surplus is now as large as the capital. They ve built up a nice surplus.

19. teller银行出纳员

Teller: an employee in a bank who pays out and receives money

For example: The board hires them, along with the tellers.

Take this to one of the tellers windows.

The teller took the problem to the cashier.

20. undivided profit未分配利润

Undivided profits: profits not yet paid out as dividends or added to the surplus.

For example: The reserves are shown here as surplus and undivided profits.

I didn t know the undivided profits were this high.

How much undivided profit do you he?

21. vice-president副行长

Vice-president: an officer in a pany who assists the president.

For example: The board hires the president and the vice-presidents.

A vice-president supervises this department.

One of the vice-presidents can handle this matter.



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