

06月06日 编辑 39baobao.com

[请问房地产用英语怎么说]“房地产”翻译成英文是:real estate。 详细解释: 1、real 英 [ˈri:əl] 美 [ˈriəl, ril] adj.真的,真实的,现实的,事实上的,真诚的。 adv.真正,实在,确实地。 n.实在,现实,实数。...+阅读



can you just fix it a little bit (to make it look nice), I don't want it to be any shorter though.



I was thinking about coloring my hair, but not really sure which color I'll go with. I want the one that makes my skin looks not so dark, which one do you reckon?








分发 part hair

做发型 cutting&styling

电烫 permanent wave

点烫药水 setting lotion

女子做发 hairdo

点烫发机 electric hair curler

压发 hair fixer

束发结 snood

发网 hairnet

假辫子 coronet braid weitch

前刘海 bang

1.A: How do you want it?

B: Cut it short all over.

A: Would you like it washed?

B: No, thank you. It's OK.

2.A: How would you like it?

B: Trim the back, but leave it long on the sides, please.

A: Do you want a shampoo?

B: No, thanks.

3.A: How would you like me to cut it?

B: Just a trim, please.

A: Do you want it thinned?

B: No, I don't think so, thanks.

4.A: What do you want me to do?

B: Not too much off, please.

A: Do you want a conditioner?

B: No, that's fine, thanks.


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