

06月01日 编辑 39baobao.com

[2009年考研英语阅读理解精读100篇]TEXT ONE Tesco is preparing a legal battle to clear its name of involvement in the dairy price-fixing scandal that has cost consumers 270 million. Failure to pr...+阅读

Our English teacher is Miss Gao. She is tall and slim. She is pretty and kind. We have fun in each English lesson. She wants us to be good at English. So she helps us a lot after class. We like asking her for help with our English. One Sunday, I was doing my English homework. But I couldn't work out one of the problems. So I called Miss Gao for help. She sent me an e-mail to help me. I like her very much.

( ) 1. Our English teacher is a tall man.

( ) 2. Our English teacher gives us lots of exercises every day.

( ) 3. Our English teacher is kind and helps us a lot.

( ) 4. One day, I was doing homework at home.

( ) 5.Our English teacher didn't help me on that day, because she was too busy.



Our English teacher is Miss Gao. She is tall and slim. She is pretty and kind. We have fun in each English lesson. She wants us to be good at English. So she helps us a lot after class. We like asking her for help with our English. One Sunday, I was doing my English homework. But I couldn't work out one of the problems. So I called Miss Gao for help. She sent me an e-mail to help me. I like her very much. ( ) 1. Our English teacher is a tall man. ( ) 2. Our English teacher gives us lots of exercises every day. ( ) 3. Our English teacher is kind and helps us a lot. ( ) 4. One day, I was doing homework at home. ( ) 5.Our English teacher didn't help me on that day, because she was too busy. 1-5 BAAAB...


Two years ago, my husband bought me a bicycle. If you live in a town, it is often faster than a car and you don't have to worry about parking(停车).You can leave it anywhere. As it has a seat at the back and a basket at the front. I can take my small daughter to school, to the library, shopping. anywhere in fact. I use it most in summer when the weather is warm and dry. It can be very unpleasant in winter when it is cold and the rain is pouring down. It can also be very dangerous. You must of course be careful on a bicycle .Accidents are not the only problem though. One day I went shopping and came back to find my front wheel was missing. It was a long walk to the bicycle shop! Now I have three strong locks. My husband uses my bicycle sometimes for short journeys. He says it is better than waiting for a bus. He still uses his car for longer journeys, but I think that all this sitting down is making him fat and lazy. On my bicycle I get a lot of exercise and fresh air, and this makes me feel a lot younger. 两年之前,我的丈夫给我买了一辆自行车.如果你生活在城市,骑它通常要比开小轿车快,而且你也不必担心停车.你可以把它停在任何地方.由于它有一个座位在后面,有一个篮子在前面.我可以带我的小女儿去上学,去图书馆,去购物,去做任何的事情. 我通常在夏天天气很潮湿和温暖的时候使用它.在冬天很冷和雨倾盆而下的时候使用它会很不好.那样也很危险.你骑自行车的时候一定要专心.交通事故并不是唯一的问题.有一天我去购物,回来的时候发现我的自行车的前轮不见了.那距离自行车店有很长的一段距离.现在我有三个很好的锁. 我的丈夫有时候用我的自行车进行一些短途旅行.他说那比等待巴士要好.他仍然驾驶他的小轿车进行长途旅行,但是我认为坐在那些作为上会使他变得很胖很懒.骑我的自行车我可以得到很好的锻炼和呼吸清新空气,这些能使我感觉很年轻.


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