

05月28日 编辑 39baobao.com




A: Hello/Hi/ Morning/Afternoon (视情况而定)

B: Hello/Hi/ Morning/Afternoon (如果对方说英语,就会根据你说的作出相应的回答)

A: Can you do me a favour please?

B: If I can

A: May I have a photo with you please?

B: Sure.


A: That's lovely. Thank you very much.

B: That's alright.

A: Have a nice day, bye

B: You too, bye


I have a foreign friend. His name is Oliver and he comes from England. His home is nearby mine. He moves to China because his father is going to work in here. He can't talk too much in Chinese, but he works hard on it. We often speak in Chinese because he needs practices. I can learn English from him after he knows more Chinese. I often play with him and my friends. I think he needs friends here. I can help him.


"what surprising changes China has gone through!"said a Canadian who used to come here 10 years ago. He said that China has gone closer to a modern country,and whose society has become more advancing,what's more,China has more high-techs nowadays.He also declared that Chian will join into the developed countries no longer than another 10 years,he was very excited to have seen China today....


怎么用英文表达“一见钟情”一个美女从面前走过,你浑身上下有种触了电的感觉。你喜欢上她了。该怎么描述你现在的感觉呢?看看下面这些你就知道了。1. I he a crush on her.我看上她了。Crush on her...

外国友人说重庆变化很大根据内容要求写一篇 50 - 80 词的短文。要求:书写格式正确,语句通畅、流畅,无语法错误。 内容提要:今年四月 AAPP 要在重庆召开,外国友人受到重庆人民的热烈欢迎。外国友人说:“重...

各种牛仔裤用英文都该怎么表达有流行百年的牛仔,有休闲舒适的T恤,有典雅的正装,也有普通的地摊货。这些种类的衣服用英文都该怎么表达?想知道就不要错过下面的内容。 1. I like this tank top. It goes with...

有哪些用英语对外国友人送上祝福的话It's joy to know you, wishing the nicest things always for you, not only today, but all the year through because you are really a joy to know. 认识你是一种快慰,...

英文怎么表达行业和产业trade and Industry。 【双语例句】: 1、Industrial research is the province of the Department of Trade and Industry. 工业研究属贸易和工业部的职责范围。 2、He passe...

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学习压力大累的建议用英文表达1 You should learn to mix work with adequate rest. 我们应该要劳逸结合 2。 You may prioritize everything you need to work so that you can manage your time of stu...


各月份用英文怎么表达各月份用英文怎么表达,英语中的月份是怎么表示的:January [Jan·u·ar·y || 'dʒænjʊərɪ] February [Feb·ru·ar·y || 'febrʊərɪ] March [mɑrtʃ /mɑːtʃ] April...
