

05月23日 编辑 39baobao.com


英语和汉语是两种不同的语言结构,中文的基本结构是字,英语的是词。单个字不好翻译的,要看语境是什么。嘉:jiā 释义:汉语常用字 ,读作jiā,最早见于西周金文,其本义是美好,《诗·豳风·东山》:“其新孔嘉,其旧如之何?”引申为赞美、褒扬、表彰,还引申为吉庆、幸福、快乐、喜欢等。组词:

1、嘉宾:Distinguished guest

2、 嘉奖:Award






歌曲名:If You'Re Happy And You Know It歌手:Dora The Explorer专辑:Dora The Explorer Party Favorites If you're happy and you know it, 如果感到幸福, Clap your hands (clap clap), 你就拍拍手, If you're happy and you know it, 如果感到幸福, Clap your hands (clap clap), 你就拍拍手, If you're happy and you know it, 如果感到幸福, And you really want to show it, 也让大家知道, If you're happy and you know it, 那如果感到幸福, Clap your hands (clap clap), 你就拍拍手, If you're happy and you know it, 如果感到幸福, Stomp your feet (stomp stomp), 你就跺跺脚, If you're happy and you know it, 如果感到幸福, Stomp your feet (stomp stomp), 你就跺跺脚, If you're happy and you know it, 如果感到幸福, And you really want to show it, 也让大家知道, If you're happy and you know it, 那如果感到幸福, Stomp your feet (stomp stomp), 你就跺跺脚, If you're happy and you know it, 如果感到幸福, Snap your fingers (Click click), 你就打响指, If you're happy and you know it, 如果感到幸福, Snap your fingers (Click click), 你就打响指, If you're happy and you know it, 如果感到幸福, And you really want to show it, 也让大家知道, If you're happy and you know it, 如果感到幸福, Snap your fingers (Click click), 你就打响指, If you're happy and you know it, 如果感到幸福, Shout I am (I am ), 你就喊出来,我幸福, If you're happy and you know it, 如果感到幸福, Shout I am (I am ), 你就喊出来,我幸福, If you're happy and you know it, 如果感到幸福, And you really want to show it, 也让大家知道, If you're happy and you know it, 如果感到幸福, Shout I am (I am), 你就喊出来,我幸福, If you're happy and you know it, 如果感到幸福, Do all four (clap clap stomp stomp snap snap I am ), 你就表现出来, If you're happy and you know it, 如果感到幸福, Do all four (clap clap stomp stomp snap snap I am ), 你就表现出来, If you're happy and you know it, 如果感到幸福, And you really want to show it, 也让大家知道, If you're happy and you know it, 如果感到幸福, Do all four (clap clap stomp stomp snap snap I am ) . 你就表现出来。

拓展资料 Dora The Explore由美国尼克频道制作,是一部风靡全球的美式英语教学片,国内曾由东方卫视少儿频道热播,是专为学龄前儿童及妈妈们设计的中英双语节目。欢迎跟朵拉一起加入探险的旅程,到世界公认的美式英语少儿教学片,它通过朵拉每一次探险的故事,教会小观众在生自学成才中有趣实用的英语单词和词组。这套节目精心的故事编排与美丽活泼的画面,给观众一个独特的机会,让观众与孩子一建立起思考学习,充分享受求知和探索的乐趣,帮助观众的孩子建立快乐,自信和成功的人生观念。


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