
托福口语题目: Some people prefer to live in

05月23日 编辑 39baobao.com

[新托福口语考试题型有哪些?新托福口语考试题型有哪些]新托福口语考试第一题:为非限制性问题,但一定和学校or日常生活有关,要答the reason & detail,注意一定要有具体的细节支持。 新托福口语考试第二题:为二选一问题,一般会问你A和B那...+阅读

I prefer to plan ahead and always be ready for tomorrow.First, I need to plan ahead to feel certain about myself. Sometimes life hitsyou hard. We must anticipate the troubles coming in our way in order to dealwith them when problems present. For example, we must choose a major that hasthe most demand on the job market. This way we won't waste ourtime on things that have little real life application. Second, planning aheadmeans I can always stay productive. I plan to not only finish my education withan outstanding grade, but also work a part-time job while I'm still a student so after I graduate, I'llbe able to have a resume that can impress my future employers.

托福口语1题 Describe a person who always makes you laugh Explain

这样的问题,比较好的方法应该是一个description+2details或2个理由。 这种问题不同于who is the person you admire most, and why. 答案应该是1主题句+3理由 你的问题这类问题,前面的description不能忽略,所以后面跟2个理由即可。否则45秒也说不完。 1.describe 的时候可以说一下他是怎么“always”的,比如,当你学习压力很大时他的一个玩笑让你轻松,当他自己presentataion那种严肃环境时也能通过这种方式减缓压力,等等 2.理由可以这样说。a.他一直有一种积极的生活态度,笑对生活。b.他总是期望用轻松的环境改变集体的氛围,让大家都能轻松愉快。 The person who always makes me laugh is my professor XXX. When we are confused in his lecture, he always tells a joke that make us relaxed. Even in his presentation in some important conference, he also can say some funny things that make audience happy. The reasons why he keeps this quality are: firstly, he always lead a positive life. This attitute offers him confidence to make everything easy and smile to his life. secondly, as a professor, he strategicly proposes to create a relaxed atmosphere for students to study. Accompainied with his funny teaching, we spent many many interesting and efficient classes.







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