

05月14日 编辑 39baobao.com

[常见职业名称英文说法其他行业英语]常见职业名称英文说法What is your occupation? 你的职业是什么?accountant: 会计actor: 男演员actress: 女演员airline representative: 地勤人员anchor: 新闻主播an...+阅读

楼主,您的高素质和高水准意思可不一样,素质是不是指人的?修养、道德、知识等的综合概括啊? 而高水准指标准高。

有一天想起 - 大魔法师 八级 的

high quality 高质量

high level 高水平,高级


心理学上有个词diathesis 但是这个太专业,也很限定,他专门指体质倾向。我不建议用这个。

accomplishments 有修养、造诣的意思,比较接近人的素质,是个褒义词,英文的解释是:a grace, skill, or knowledge expected in polite society

哦,明白了,专业素质 - professional qualities

personnel with high professional qualities

直接说professionalism 也可以,指职业精神,操守,职业道德,敬业精神等,但不能用high来修饰这个词。


abstract:The appearance of Internet is not only another great progress of technology, but also a social change. It plays more and more important role in people's daily life such as working, studying, life style and amusements, because that it is open and interactive. Meanwhile, the internet is also a rapier, at the same time it brings lots of convinience in people's daily life, it also brings some problems. As the data goes, there are around 11.4 million people have some kinds of psycological problem among 200 million netizens, which takes around 6% of all,and the number of junveniles who have problems is growing by year, it has draw the public attention yet. This essay intends to give some suggestions towards internet addiction base on some analysis and the researches we've already have in academia. Key words: internet addiction, arguments, withdrawal


“真是太好笑了”英文说法大全玩笑常常逗得人们哈哈大笑,确实有益身心健康。如果一个玩笑把你逗得前仰后合,该怎么用英文来描述这个“真是太好笑了”呢?看看下面的说法吧!1. It's hilarious.真是太好笑了。...

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