

05月13日 编辑 39baobao.com

[讲英语的学生用英语怎么说]English-speaking students 讲英语的学生 双语例句 English-speaking students are also taught phonics, but phonics is particularly important for second-language lea...+阅读

年夜饭 the dinner on New Year's Eve 春节联欢晚会 Spring Festival Gala Evening 农历 lunar calendar 年夜饭 the dinner on New Year's Eve 团圆饭 family reunion dinner 狗年Year of the Dog 还有其它很实用的词语:)~ 春节 The Spring Festival 农历 lunar calendar 正月 lunar January; the first month by lunar calendar 除夕 New Year's Eve; eve of lunar New Year 初一 the beginning of New Year 元宵节 The Lantern Festival 糖果盘 candy tray 灯会 exhibit of lanterns 守岁 staying-up 拜年 pay New Year's call; give New Year's greetings; New Year's visit 祭祖宗 offer sacrifices to one's ancestors 压岁钱 gift money; money given to children as a lunar New Year gift


吃年夜饭的英文:have New Year's Eve dinner


1、Reunion dinner 团圆饭


3、dinner fork 餐叉

4、buffet dinner 自助餐

dinner 读法 英 [ˈdɪnə(r)] 美 [ˈdɪnər]





2、作为表示餐名的名词, dinner可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。其前通常不加冠词,若有定语修饰时可加不定冠词,特指某次正餐时还可加定冠词(当然也可省略)。


dinner, banquet这两个词的共同意思是“宴会”。其区别是:

dinner的规模可大可小,可以是正式举行的宴会,也可以是便宴小酌; 可以是社交性的,也可以是家人团聚。banquet指正式招待某人或庆祝某事件而举行的盛大宴会,饭前多有人致词,场面豪华,多为美酒珍肴。



New Year's Eve dinner is one of the customs of the Spring Festival, also known as the New Year dinner, reunion dinner, reunion dinner, especially the family reunion dinner at the end of the New Year's Eve. New Year's Eve dinner originated from the ancient year-end ritual, worship gods .

New Year's Eve dinner is a major event of the year before, not only rich and colorful, but also very moral. Before the Lunar New Year's dinner, worship gods and worship ancestors, and wait until the worship ceremony is completed before the meal is served.

There are chicken, fish, oyster sauce, vegetable, lotus root, lettuce, garlic and sausage for good fortune. Chinese New Year's Eve dinner is a family reunion dinner, which is the most abundant and important dinner at the end of the year.




China nation has a strong family concept and always have family reunion in some important days. Family Reunion Dinner is an essential custom on New Year's Eve. They usually enjoy a big feast this day. And dumpling and fish are must during the Family Reunion Dinner on New Year's Eve. Some people will put a coin inside one dumpling. The people who eat this dumpling will be to thought be a lucky guy. The fish could not be eaten out because the fish means extra things by partial tone. And it represents the wish for a prosperous year with abundant and even extra wealth and luck.中国人的家庭观念很强,在重要的节日里都会团圆。除夕夜的团圆饭是重要习俗。大家通常会在这天大吃一顿。饺子和鱼是宴席上的必须品。有的人会在包饺子时放一枚硬币进去,谁吃到了他就有好运气。鱼不能被吃完,因为“鱼”和“余”同音,预示年年有余。


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