

04月28日 编辑 39baobao.com


上面是英文版,下面是中文对照,可以看看:)~~ Internet's advantage and shortcoming The modern social development, already achieved the unprecedented high level of dependency regarding the Internet. Network, has brought formidable and the powerful dissemination way to the information, and greatly reduced the information issue and the receive time, has avoided many nonessential resources wastes. At the same time, brings in the network to us facilitates, also brought has not slightly troubled. For example, the network economic crimes, the illegal intruder, on-line disseminates the pornographic picture, down to some harm national securities actions and so on. May in my opinion the network be is unable to differentiate good and bad, how was important is you regards with the use network. If does not have correctly to regard the network then to be able to like that youth to be same, sinks confuses to accessing the net is unable to extricate oneself; If you can correctly use the network, it then is not an invisible sword, but is a good assistant 网络的利与弊 现代的社会发展,对于互联网已经达到前所未有的高度依赖程度.网络,给信息带来了强大而有力的传播途径,并且大大缩短了信息发布和接收的时间,避免了许多不必要的资源浪费。

与此同时,在网络给我们带来便利的时候,也带来了不小麻烦。例如,网络经济犯罪,非法入侵者,网上传播色情图片,以至一些危害国家安全的举动等。 可在我看来网络是无法区分好与坏的,重要得是你怎样看待与利用网络了。如果没有正确看待网络便会像那个少年一样,沉迷于上网而无法自拔;如果你能正确利用网络,它便不是一把无形的剑,而是一位好助手。


Advantage of Internet is that you can do anything that you want on Internet when it was connected to independent world such as download data,programs,game,picture etc.But Internet has risk to receive spy ware,it attempts to disable or delete anti-spy ware tool and suppress warning massages given to users,it damages your data or system in your computer.Moreover,you have risk to find the bad persons when chat in chat room especially women.You can found the crime news on the newspapers.The news said they have many victim from chatting with unknown people by the victim were believed implicitly.In conclusion,many people still use Internet because it is useful and comfortable.利用互联网,你可以做任何你想在互联网上时,连接到独立的世界,如下载数据,程序,游戏,图片等,但互联网风险接受间谍软件,它试图禁用或删除反间谍软件工具和制止警告给用户,它损害您的数据或系统在您的计算机.此外,你有可能找到坏人聊天,在聊天室特别是妇女会受欺骗.你可以发现犯罪新闻的报纸.新闻说他们有许多受害者和不明身份的人聊天.总之,许多人仍然使用互联网,因为它是有用的和舒适的.

如何正确使用网络的英语作文computer becomes much popular this

How to Use Computer Properly

Computer becomes much popular this century. In schools, factories and office buildings, computers help people to do many works and bring more advantages, they also provide people some communication tools, entertainments, easy shopping ways and other convienences. However, computer still have some disvantages to people, such as using computer long time may result in a eyes trouble to teenagers, some movies may be not suitable for young people to watch, vedio games will affect students' study very much, etc. Then, how to use computer in a proper way?

As a student, the advices listed below are very good,

1. use computer regularly and just a short time everyday. Spending long time or without control before computer is not good to your heathy.

2. use computer when it is in need. Teachers may ask to find some useful information or some problems is puzzed you by your homeworks, at this moment computer will be a good helper.

3. avoid more games,musics, movies and chattings. This will squeeze study time out and still will make some problems betweem you and family.

of course, some necessary relax may be good for your grow-up if you not go too far.

In a short, always control youself and use computer in a right way will help you greatly with your study.


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