

04月21日 编辑 39baobao.com

[简短的英文自我评价的]描述关于英文的自我评价In the past five months, under the leadership of the Department of Engineering Services, and colleagues through the mon struggle, after t...+阅读

When I am dead by Christina Rossetti

When I am dead

Christina Rossetti

When I am dead, my dearest,

Sing no sad songs for me:

Plant thou no roses at my head,

Nor shady cypress tree:

Be the green grass above me

With showers and dewdrops wet;

And if thou wilt, remember,

And if thou wilt, forget.

I shall not see the shadows,

I shall not feel the rain;

I shall not hear the nightingale

Sing on, as if in pain;

And dreaming through the twilight

That doth not rise nor set,

Haply I may remember,

And haply may forget.

当我死去的时候 亲爱的







假如你愿意 请记着我

要是你甘心 忘了我







我也许 也许我还记得你





求一首简短的英文诗朗诵用的最好知名点的 46分钟


If I were a snowflake,

Dancing in the mid-air in elation,

I must know where I'm going--

Flying, flying, flying --

Somewhere on the ground is my direction.

I won't go to the cold valleys,

Nor to the hills in desolation ,

Nor to the empty streets for melancholy --

Flying, flying, flying --

You see I have my direction!

Flying in the mid-air in elegance,

I recognize that quiet residence,

Waiting in the garden for her visiting --

Flying, flying, flying --

Ah, the plum aroma from her body is emitting!

Then by my light-weight,

I land on her lappet gently,

Close to her soft breast --

Melting, melting, melting --

Melting into the soft wave of her mind!

徐志摩的 雪花的快乐


I loved you - Pushkin I loved you; and perhaps I love you still, The flame, perhaps, is not extinguished; yet It burns so quietly within my soul, No longer should you feel distressed by it. Silently and hopelessly I loved you, At times too jealous and at times too shy. God grant you find another who will love you

As tenderly and truthfully as I.

这是普希金的 “我曾经爱过你” 传世经典 隽永长存~


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