

04月12日 编辑 39baobao.com

[求会计英语的专业词汇]会计英语其实不是很难学,只要专业的术语都能记牢,其他的和普通的商务英语一样。所以,下面这些必备的国际会计常用英语术语(词汇),应该对像你这样学习会计英语的人有帮助。 Account...+阅读

Three. Establishes effective controllable internal control system

The enterprise internal control is a large-scale system, receives in the Enterprise unit, the external environment influence, involves to the enterprise aspects. Realizes the enterprise internal control, must first act according to the unit economic activity the content characteristic, the management and operation goal and management request refinement internal accounting the control objective, from is clear about the responsibility jurisdiction, the regular economy service procedure and the procedure, establishes the personnel to restrict the relations to embark mutually, establishes the perfect many control system, composes a strict control system.

1. organizations and agencies control system. It including enterprise Underlying tissues organization establishment and reasonable effective function division of labor control system. The enterprise internal organization's establishment and the responsibility division of labor must monitor mutually, each organizations and agencies' responsibility jurisdiction must give to be authorized, each kind of economic work's movement must pass through the different department, the inspector from does not belong to the patient.

2. not accommodating duty separation system. If an economic work centralism handles by a person time easy to have the mistake or the corrupting practices behavior, this service needs to formulate is not accommodating separates the system. Causes the economic work the authorized duty with to administrate the officiate to separate, to administrate the officiate and the record duty separates, the record duty and the verification duty separates, the storage property duty and the record duty separates.




Statement of cash flow is based on cash as its quantification to be made up. It is a repot form reflecting the inflow and outflow of cash and cash equivalent. To analyze statement of cash flow, it requires not only knowing well about the structure and its characteristic to have an analysis of the interior compose, but also making a comprehensive analysis combining with balance sheet and profit statement, in order to evaluate the financial condition and outstanding management achievement roundly and impersonality. Starting with the conception and the structure of statement of cash flow, this paper introduces the application of manifold analysis methods.

关键词:现金 现金流量 会计报表 现金流量表 现金流量表分析

Key words:cash, cash flow, accounting statement, statement of cash flow, analysis of statement of cash flow


我学的是会计专业:I'mmajoringinaccounting。major?英[?me?d??(r)]?美[?med??]??majoring释义major(以…为专业)的现在分词形式;adj。主要的;重要的;大调的;主修的(课程)?n。主修科目;大调;陆军少校;成年的?vi。 主修,专攻;[美国英语][教育学]主修(in);专攻第三人称accounting英[??ka?nt??]?美[??ka?nt??]??n。会计;会计学;记账?v。记述,报告双语例句:Mr。StonespenthisundergraduatedaysinColumbiaUniversity,majoringineconomics。 ?斯通先生在哥伦比亚大学度过了他四年的大学生活,主修经济学。AreyoumajoringinEnglishLiterature??你是在专修英国文学吗?I'mmajoringinbusinessadministrationincollege。 ?在大学里我专攻商业管理。Theaccountingfirmdeliberatelydestroyeddocumentstothwartgovernmentinvestigators会计事务所故意毁坏文件,阻挠政府调查工作。

Thedebaterevolvesaroundspecificaccountingtechniques?这场争论的焦点是具体的会计技术。 Howdoaccountingrecordsoperate??账目是如何记录的?。


Principles of Accounts, intermediate financial accounting, advanced financial accounting, auditing, cost accounting, management accounting, financial accounting, tax law, economic law, Western economics, statistics, international finance, Money and Banking, financial analysis of listed companies, multinationals financial management, business management Introduction


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专业会计英语词典你好,我是acca 教师。向你推荐词典。 1、中国财政经济出版社的由中国会计学会和香港会计师公会编写的英汉/汉英 会计词汇一套。每本45元。这两本词典的好处在于与我们国内准...

哪里有会计专业的英语词汇下载啊把自己的复习资料给你吧,虽然挺舍不得的。呵呵 过急会计术语英汉对照 Accounting system 会计系统 American Accounting Association 美国会计协会 American Institute of CP...

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求翻译几个金融及会计专业术语1.Reduction of state's stake in listed companies 2.Growth rate of the main business income 3.Growth rate of profit 4.Growth rate of gross margin 5.Growth rate o...

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