

12月02日 编辑 39baobao.com

[第一部分第5节]Adviceadvice n.劝告,忠告,意见经典例句Advice when most needed is least heeded. 最容易忽视的建议往往是最重要的。考点提要a piece of advice 一条建议记忆方法同根词...+阅读

Practice Test 1

1.The writer was soin her work that she didn’t notice him enter the room.

A. absorbedB. abandonedC. focusedD. centered

2.The pany is trying every means tothe wholesale price of its products.

A. pull downB. put down C. set downD. bring down

3.For professional athletes , _______ to the Olympics means that they he a chance to enter the history books.

A. accessB. attachment C. appealD. approach

4.It is a well-known fact that the cat familylions and tigers.

A. enrichesB. embraces

C. adoptsD. acmodates

5.The reason why so many children like to eat this new brand of biscuit is that it is particularly sweet and.

A. brisk B. crisp C. feeble D. fragile

6.The subject of safety must be placed at the top of the.

A. agendaB. bulletinC. routineD. timetable

7.In order to keep the line moving, customers with lengthy ____are required to do their banking inside.

A. transit B. transactions C. turnover D. tempos

8. The sign set up by the roaddrivers to a sharp turn.

A. alerts B. refreshes C. pleads D. diverts

9.Professor Smith and Professor Brown willin presenting the series of lectures on American literature.

A. alter B. alternate C. substitute D. exchange

10.The doctors don’t_____ that the patient will live much longer.

A. monitor B. manifestC. articulate D. anticipate

11. The first sentence in this paragraph is ; it can be interpreted in many ways.

A. intricate B. ambiguous C. duplicated D. confused

12.Shoes of this kind areto slip on wet ground.

A. feasible B. appropriate C. apt D. fitting

13.Fortune-tellers are good at marking statements such as “Your sorrows will change.”

A.philosophical B.invalid

C.ambiguous D.literal

14.Although the colonists to some extent with the native Americans, the Indians influence on American culture and language was not extensive.

A. migrated B. matched C. mingled D. melted


1.A题意:作家专心于写作, 没有注意到他进入房间。本题为词义辨析题。A.absorb吸收, 正确选项;常用句型为be absorbed in sth专心于……;B.abandon放弃 ;C.focus 常用句型为focus …on …,例如:focus one’s attention / thoughts on a matter 集中注意力 / 思想于某事;D.center集中,例如:center on a point / person/ thing集中于某一点、某人、某事; center round a spot以某地为中心。

2.D题意:这家公司想方设法降低产品的批发价格。本题考查要点是与down连用的动词短语A.pull down拆除(房子),拉下;B.put down放下, 缩减;C.set down卸下,记下,制定(规则);D.bring down降低(物价), 为正确选项。

3.A题意:对职业运动员而言,参加奥运会就意味着有机会被载入史册。 这是一道名词形近词辨析题。A.access进入, 可与to连用, 表示进入某地, 接近某人;B.attachment附属物, 情感;可与to连用,意思与题意不符;C.appeal吸引力, 恳求。做名词时常与for连用, appeal作为动词用时可与to连用;D.approach方法, 途径,接近, 通路,可与to连用。后三个选项虽可与to连用, 但与题意不符合。

4.B题意:众所周知,狮子和老虎是猫科动物。动词词义辨析本题的关键是要看懂空格前的“the cat family”是猫科的意思,根据常识,狮、虎都是猫科动物,故空格处应是“包括”的意思,即是B.。也就没有必要考虑其它的选项了,它们分别是:A.使……丰富;C.收养;D.为……提供住处。

5.B题意:这么多孩子喜欢吃这种新牌子的饼干是因为它非常甜、非常脆。综合辨析 根据题意,是说这种饼干又甜又脆,B.“脆的”,最为合适。A.与B.是形近词,二者意思上相差巨大,A.是"轻快的、活泼的"之意,无法修饰饼干;D.与B.是近义词辨析,但fragile强调的是"易碎的",如The thin glass is fragile。此外,fragile还有"虚弱的"意思,与C.相近,这可能是为什么把C.作为干扰项的原因。

6.A题意:安全的问题必须放在首位。place … at the top of the agenda可算是一个常用的说法,意思是“将……赋予的重要性”。

7.B题意:为了使队伍移动起来,一些需要做大量交易的顾客被要求到银行内完成。这是一道关于名词的辨析题。A.transit 经过,搬运,运输;C.turnover 营业额,翻转;D.tempo (音乐的)速度、拍子,发展速度。三项均不符合题意。B.transaction 交易,事物。

8.A题意:路边的标志是为了提醒司机马上会有一个急转弯。这是一道关于动词的辨析题。B.refresh 使精神振作,恢复;C.plead 辩护,恳求;D.divert 转移,转向。三项均不符合题意。A.alert 警惕,警告。


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