

11月09日 编辑 39baobao.com

[的滋味半命题作文500字:学自行车的滋味]汪宇,骑自行车对于我现在来说,是十分容易的,骑起来也十分熟练,不再会摔跤。我不禁又想到刚学自行车时的情景。 那一天,我看见邻居家的哥哥在学骑自行车,便也要爸爸帮我买一辆,爸爸...+阅读

Maybe I’ll cycle along the quiet roads.


A There’re lots of good things you can do with a bike.

A 有了自行车,你可以做很多有益的事情。

B Like what?

B 比如什么?

A Well, you can go through the Hutongs and fet about cars and traffic.

A 哦,你可以在胡同里穿梭,忘记汽车和其他车辆。

B That’s true. And around places like Houhai.

B 这是真的。还可以在像后海那样的地方转转。

A And you can cycle all through the university area on pretty quiet roads.

A 你可以骑自行车在相当安静的道路上穿越大学区。

B That’s what I’ll do. I’ll get a bike. I’ll cycle along the quiet roads.

B 这是我要做的。我将买辆自行车。我会在安静的道路上骑车。


1 You can also make suggestions using the simple verb can / can, e.g.: You can cycle through the Hutongs and fet about traffic / You can cycle through the Hutongs and fet about traffic.

你开可以用简单的动词can /可以,能来提出建议。例如:: You can cycle through the Hutongs and fet about traffic /你可以骑车在胡同里穿梭,忘记汽车和其他车辆。

2 Notice the words to describe movement or general position, such as through / through; around / around ; along / along ; Cycle through the Hutongs / Cycle through the Hutongs; Cycle around places like Houhai / Cycle around places like Houhai;Cycle through the university area / Cycle through the university area;Cycle along quiet roads / Cycle along quiet roads.

注意描述移动和大致位置的词语,例如through / 穿过; around / 围绕; along /沿着;Cycle through the Hutongs /骑车在胡同里穿梭;Cycle around places like Houhai /骑车在像后海那样的地方转转;Cycle along quiet roads /沿着安静的道路骑车。

Key phrases and sentences

There’re lots of good things you

can do with a bike.Like what?

Well, you can go through the

Hutongs and fet about cars and traffic.

That’s true. And around places like Houhai.

And you can cycle all through the

university area on pretty quiet roads.

That’s what I’ll do. I’ll get a bike.

I’ll cycle along the quiet roads.













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