

11月27日 编辑 39baobao.com

[未经杀菌消毒的鲜奶是否适合直接饮用]一杯鲜奶,是“治病良药”,还是“害人毒品”?未经杀菌消毒的鲜奶是否适合直接饮用?这一话题在美国已经争论20多年,如今再次成为关注焦点。 1984年,美国《时装》杂志撰文“警惕鲜奶:新兴...+阅读

Part I:极速词法

1、familiar adj. 熟悉的;

2、call vt. 叫作;

3、hum vt. 哼哼,吟唱;

4、headache n. 头痛;

5、be caught in a traffic jam遇上交通堵塞了,堵车了;

6、sneeze vi. 打喷嚏;

7、bless you(上帝)保佑你;

8、lie down 躺下来;

9、aspirin n. 阿司匹林;

10、tune n. 曲子;

11、melody n. (悦耳的)旋律;

12、wet all over浑身上下都湿透了;

13、be caught in the rain淋雨了;

14、backache n. 背痛;

15、take some aspirin吃点阿司匹林;

16、pills for cold感冒药;

17、on the shelf在架子上;

18、run out of sth.用完了,耗光了

Part II:极速句法


Clare:Listen to that song! Do you know what it is?

Edward:Hmm, it sounds so familiar, but I don’t remember what it’s called.

Clare:Oh, yes! Now I remember. It’s “No More”.

Edward:Yes, it is! Can you sing it?

Clare:No, I can’t. Can you?

Edward:Neither can I. But I can hum it.

Clare:Who can’t do that!? That’s easy.

Edward:Easy? Well, you know, the easiest thing is often the most difficult thing in the world.

Clare:Oh, e on, Ed. You aren’t my father, are you?


Steven:Sorry, I’m late. I was caught in a traffic jam.

Boss:I just got in myself. There were so many cars.

Steven:Yes, you can say that again. Say, you don’t look very good, Boss.

Boss:I must be getting a cold. I’ve had this terrible headache since I got up, and I’ve been sneezing all morning. A-A-ATCHOO!

Steven:Bless you.

Boss:Thank you.

Steven:Look, why don’t you go upstairs and lie down for an hour? I’ll go get some aspirin for you.

Boss:Thanks so much. I really appreciate it, Steve.


1.Listen to that tune! It sounds so familiar. What’s it called?

2.That music sounds so nice! Can you hum it?

3.Do you like the song “My Heart Will Go On”? –Well, to tell you the truth, I like the melody, but I don’t like the words very much.

4.The most difficult thing is very often the most interesting to do in the world.

5.e on, man. You aren’t my father, are you?

6.Look, Tim! You’re wet all over!—Yes. I was caught in the rain.

7.Oh, my Dear! We’re caught in a traffic jam again!

8.When did you get in, Steve?—Well, I just got in and sat down.

9.You look great today, Julia.—Thanks. I slept very well last night.

10.I’m not feeling very well. I must be getting a cold.

11.I’ve had this terrible backache since I got up this morning.

12.I’ve been sneezing all day! A-A-ATCHOO!

13.God bless you.

14.Look, why don’t you just go home and he a good rest. I can do the work for you.

15.When you he a headache, you can take some aspirin. It really works.

16.Do we still he any pills for cold?—We may not he any more. If there are any left, they’re there on the shelf.

17.I’ve already looked there but couldn’t find any. We must run out of them.



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