

03月28日 编辑 39baobao.com

[如何用英文做简报]职场上的竞争有如无形的战争,虽没有刀光剑影,却也是险象环生。面对众多竞争对手,你是否拥有自己的法宝?这里,为你献上一计:如何用英文做简报!Part I Opening A Presentation 开场...+阅读

1.He is a very stingy person.


2.What a miser! 真是个吝啬鬼!

3.He's not a generous person.


4.She's such a penny pincher.


5.He's such a tightwad. 他真是个小气鬼。

6.Money means everything to her.


7.He's very tightfisted. 他很吝啬。

8.Her boss is a skinflint.


9.She never wants to splash the

cash. 她出手从不大方。

10.He's a real scrooge.



A Miser, to make sure of his property, sold all that he had had converted it into a GREat lump of gold, which he hid in a hole in the ground, and went continually to visit and inspect it. This roused the curiosity of one of his workmen, who, suspecting that there was a treasure, when his master's back was turned went to the spot and stole it away. When the Miser returned and found the place empty, he wept and tore his hair. But a neighbor who saw him in this extravagant grief, and learned the cause of it, said: "Fret thyself no longer, but take a stone and put it in the same place, and think that it is your lump of gold; for, as you never meant to use it, the one will do you as much gold as the other. 一个守财奴,为了确保他的财产,卖掉所有家当换成了一大块金子,埋在一个地洞里,并且不时地去查看,这引起了手下一个雇工的好奇。雇工猜测那里肯定有宝贝,趁主人离开之际,他来到埋藏地点,把金子偷走了。

当守财奴回来发现金子不翼而飞,便痛哭流涕,乱撮头发。一个邻人见状问明原由后说“你也别太痛苦了,拿一块石头再埋在原地,就当是那块金子好了,因为既然你永远不想用它,那么两者不是一回事吗”。 金钱的价值不在于拥有,而在于使用。...


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