

11月05日 编辑 39baobao.com


NEW YORK (Reuters) — Apple puter (AAPL) Tuesday cut the price of its cheapest digital music player, the iPod Shuffle, and launched a smaller-capacity version of its mid-priced iPod Nano, sending its shares up as much as 3%.

Apple, which controls 70% of the U.S. digital music player market, said the 512-megabyte Shuffle will now sell for  69, down from  99. The 1-gigabyte model will sell for  99, down from  129.

The 512-megabyte version holds about 120 songs.

The new 1-gigabyte Nano, the sleek iPod model that won re reviews from critics and consumers when it was introduced last September, was priced at  149.

The 2-gigabyte Nano sells for  199 and holds about 500 songs; a 4-gigabyte model sells for  249.

The price cuts raised questions about whether Apple's profit margins would suffer, but American Technology Research analyst Shaw Wu sh

rugged off such concerns.

"The price of ponents he e down more than 70%, especially flash memory for the Shuffle," he said. "And the price of the Shuffle hadn't changed, so they were making a ton of profit off the Shuffle. So they're passing some of those sings on."

Asked whether Apple needed to cut prices for products that were already so popular, Wu said, "While iPods he a 70% share in the U.S., internationally its share is much lower at around 40%."

He added that recent studies suggest only a third of all U.S. households he a digital music player, suggesting that the market opportunity for the iPod is greater than its market share suggests.

Apple shares were up 93 cents to  68.23 in morning Nasdaq trade after rising as high as  69.48 earlier in the session. The shares fell nearly 13% over the previous four intraday trading sessions.






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