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[掌握常见的10种错误为你的托福写作提分]1、Challenge(1)Challenge sb to do sth .向...挑战,邀请...比赛They challenge us to a swimming contest.(2)to give (accept) a challenge ( 接受 ) 挑战2、Share(1)...+阅读

crevice n 裂缝,破口(rift,slit)

crooked adj 扭曲的,狡诈的(bent,twisted)

crucial adj 严重的,极重要的(decisive,critical)

crumble v 粉碎,崩溃(collapse,crash)

crude adj 未提炼的,生的(raw,unpolished)

crumple vt 压皱(rumple,wrinkle)

crush vt 榨,挤,压碎(crunch)

crust n 〔地〕地壳,硬外皮(shell)

cryptic adj 神秘的,隐藏的(mysterious)

cuisine n 烹调

culpable adj 该受谴责的

calamity n 不幸之事,灾难(catastrophe)

calculate vt 计算

caliber n 直径,品质(capacity,faculty,talent,ability)

captivity n 囚禁

cult n 崇拜,崇拜者

curb v 抑制(check,control)

curiosity n 好奇心

cursory adj 仓促的(hurried)

curt adj 简短的,草率的

carnage n 大屠杀,残杀(massacre,slaughter)

carnal adj 肉体的(corporeal)

castigate vt 谴责(condemn,denounce)

cataclysm n 洪水,大灾难

catching adj 迷人的,传染的(charming,contagious,infectious)

categorical adj 绝对的,无条件的(definite,positive,absolute,unconditional)

cathedral n 教堂(church,chapel)

catholic adj 普遍的(universal)

caustic adj 刻薄的,腐蚀性的(abrasive,corrosive)

cern n 大山洞,大洞穴

ceaseless adj 不停的(incessant,endless)

celebrity n 名人(person of note)

celestial adj 天的(astronomical,heenly)

censor v 检查,n 检查员

censure n vt 责难(disapproval)

ceremonial n adj 仪式,正式的

ceremonious adj 隆重的,正式的,恭敬的(formal,solemn)

chafe vt 擦热,烦扰(rub,scrape,irritate)

chaos n 混乱(disorder)

charisma n 魅力,感召力

chary adj 谨慎的(cautious)

chaste adj 贞洁的,纯正的(pure,virtuous)

chide v 斥责(blame,rebuke)

chirp vt 喳喳(虫和鸟叫声)

choke vt 使窒息(suffocate,block)n窒息

chop vt 砍 n 排骨(cut,hew)

chore n 零工,杂务

chronological adj 按年代顺序的

chuckle n vt 咯咯地笑

cipher n 暗号,密码(code)

circuitous adj 迂回的(indirect,round-about)

circumference n 圆周

circumscribe vt 划清界限,限制(enpass,encircle)

circumspect adj 慎重的,小心的(prudent,cautious)

circumvent vt 欺诈,以计胜过

clandestine adj 秘密的(secret,covert)

cleanse vt 使清洁(clean,purify)

cleft n 裂缝(crevice)

clog vt 阻碍(block,jam)

clot n v 凝块(gelatinize,congeal)

clumsy adj 笨拙的,愚笨的(awkward)

coax vt 哄,耐心调理

coddle vt 娇养,溺爱

cogent adj 有说服力的,强有力的(convincing,pelling)

collateral n 抵押品

coincide vi 相符合,相巧合

colloquial adj 会话的,口语的

colossal adj 巨大的(immense,huge)

et n 彗星

mentator n 注释者

modious adj 宽敞的(spacious,capacious,roomy)

parative adj 比较的

patible adj 兼容的

plaint n 抱怨,怨言 vt 控告

pliment n 问候,vt 赞美,祝贺(praise,mendation)

posed adj 沉着的(disimpassioned)

posure n 镇静(calmnes


prise vt 包括(contain)

pulsive adj 强迫的(irresistible,obsessive obsessed,irrational)

concerted adj 协定的,协调的(unisonous)

concession n 让步,迁就(promise,bargain)

conciliatory adj 善于调解的(reconciling)

conclusive adj 决定性的,后的(decisive,definitive,final)

concoct vt 编造,虚构(devise,invent)

concrete adj 具体的,n 水泥

concur vi 同意,同时发生

condiment n 调味品

condone vt 宽恕,赦免(five,pardon)

cone n 圆锥

confide vt 倾诉(confess,disclose)

confiscate vt 没收,充公(seize)

confound vt 使糊涂,迷惑(confuse,puzzle)

congenial adj 意气相投的(patible,agreeable,pleasant,pleasing)

congested adj 拥挤的(overcrowded)

congregate vt 聚集(assemble,gather)

congressman n 国会议员

congruity n 一致,协调

conjure vt 恳求(beseech,pray)

connive vi 纵容,默许

connoisseur n 鉴赏家,行家

conscientious adj 尽职的,正直的(diligent)

consecrate vt 奉为神圣,奉献(dedicate,devote)

conservatory n 温室,音乐学校(greenhouse)

consort vt 结交(associate,connect)

conspicuous adj 引人注目的(noticeable)

conspire vt 阴谋,密谋(intrigue,plot)

constellation n 星座

constrain vt 强迫(pel)

constrict vt vi 收紧,压缩(reduce,press)

construe vt 解释,翻译(expound,translate,interpret))

contagious adj 传染的(catching,infectious)

contaminate vt 污染(defile,pollute)

contemn vt 蔑视(disdain,scorn)

contemptible adj 可鄙的(mean,despicable)

content adj 满足的(satisfied,placent)

content n 内容(matter)

contingent adj 可能发生的(accidental,unforeseen)

contour n 轮廓,海岸线(outline,profile)

contract n 契约(agreement)v收缩,感染(shrink,reduce,infect)

contrene vt 反对,违反(contradict,oppose)

contrite adj 悔悟的(repentant,remorseful)

contrive vt 发明,设法(invent,plan)

controversial adj 引起争论的

controvert vt 反驳,辩论(deny,contradict)

convene vt 集合(assemble,gather)

convict vi 判罪,证明(penalize,prove)

convoy vt 护送(acpany,escort)

coordinate adj 并列的,同等的(equal,juxtaposed)

corroborate vt 确证(confirm,substantiate)

corrode vt vi 损害(erode,eat away)

cosmopolitan adj 全世界的(global)

counsel n 商议,忠告,律师v 劝告(advise)

corpulent adj 肥胖的

corps n 军团,兵团

cordial adj 真诚的,诚恳的(friendly,warm friendly,sincerely pleasant)

crafty adj 灵巧的,巧妙的(cunning,sneaky)

cre vt 渴求(desire,yearn)

credential n 凭证(reference,certificate)

credulous adj 轻信的

creed n 信仰,信条(belief,faith)

covetous adj 贪心的(desirous,aricious)

cram vt 填塞,仓促用功

crash vt 撞碎(crumble,shatter)






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