

03月22日 编辑 39baobao.com

[德语Mensa菜谱的中文翻译]Mensa Katharinenstrae - Speiseplan vom 6.03. bis 11.03.2006 MontagEssen Stud. Bed. Gste A: Terrine Rindfleischsuppe mit Einlage r 0,90 2,10 2,50 小碗牛肉汤配面...+阅读


A grass carp (weighing about 700 grams) Shaojiu 25 ml

75 ml ginger soy sauce 2.5 grams

60 grams sugar wet starch 50 g

Rice vinegar pepper modest 50 ml

1. Wash green onions will be divided into two segments. Jiang half the film cracked, half of Qiesi.

2. Grass carp to the net post-mortem, post-mortem from Yudu for two (Note that can not be cut off), into the pot, fill water, and green onions 1, the film cracked the ginger, wine, boil, Yong Xiaohuo rapid 10 points 10 minutes, salvage, Shing-disc, will filter supposed Jiangsi times.

3. Youguo hot, put Congbao incense, and then remove the green onions, Congyou into the bowl. Note 2 cup water Ruguo, sweetened, salt, Heicu, soy sauce, pepper expected boil, the flour with water 10 grams of Health (Health powder 5 Galouzeau water) Gouqian, and then injected into Congyou, Lin Sheng from the fish, Sashang sesame oil can.


Raw materials

Article 1 grass carp live weight 6 O0 g, Onions and root, ginger 5 pieces.

1, first processing live grass carp. Cut off the scales and clean, from fish in the back muscles, and internal organs removed, also want to split the fish head and spread to, as is abdominal connected joint fish. The sword upon a few strokes in fish knife, the knife method, called "cut peony piece", so that burn easy then.

2, the hot pot with torches, put 50 grams (2) oil, put into spring Onions and ginger piece, was art after the incense, put 15 g (3 money) yellow wine, add water (water to be able to put the fish submerged), put 3 O g (and money) soy sauce, 5 g (1 money) salt. Boil off, put the fish in a, use first each to boil, then switch to medium, and put the fish cooked, but don't overcook it. The trick is: see fins to stand up, prominent eyes, can out, this can guarantee the fresh fish. General said


中文的做法: 原料:活草鱼1条重6O0克,葱4根,姜片5块。 步骤:



3、把煮鱼的汤舀出100克(2两)放在炒锅里,加10克(2钱)酱油,50克(1两)白糖,50克(1两)米醋和少许盐,烧开,再加30克(6钱)水淀粉勾芡.这就是糖醋卤汁.卤汁内淋少许熟油,然后出锅浇在鱼身上,面上需撒上极细的姜末10克(2钱)。 那位高手帮我翻译下。。。。中文的做法: 原料:活草鱼1条重6O0克,葱4根,姜片5块。 步骤:



3、把煮鱼的汤舀出100克(2两)放在炒锅里,加10克(2钱)酱油,50克(1两)白糖,50克(1两)米醋和少许盐,烧开,再加30克(6钱)水淀粉勾芡.这就是糖醋卤汁.卤汁内淋少许熟油,然后出锅浇在鱼身上,面上需撒上极细的姜末10克(2钱)。 那位高手帮我翻译下。。。。中文的做法: 原料:活草鱼1条重6O0克,葱4根,姜片5块。 步骤:

1、先加工活草鱼.刮掉鱼鳞,清洗干净后,从鱼背处剖开,取出内脏,鱼头也要劈开,展开来,就象是腹部相连的连体鱼.用刀在鱼身上划几刀,这种刀法,叫"切牡丹片",这样烧起来容易入味。 Chinese practices: Materials: living grass a heavy 6O0 grams, 4 green onions, ginger 5. Step: 1, first processing live grass carp. Scraped scale, clean, the fish back from the Department cut open, remove the internal organs, head must split, start to, like a piece of fish abdomen connected. With a knife in fish program several times, this knife, called "Cut peonies film", it is easy flavorful roast. 2, heat a saucepan with the torch, put 50 grams (1 2) oil, put onion and root ginger, stir after incense, put 15 grams (3 money) rice wine, add water (water should be able to fish submerged), add 3O g (6 money) soy sauce, 5 grams (1 money) salt. boil, put the fish into the first stir-boil, then switch to medium heat, cook the fish, but do not cook old. The trick is: see erected fins, eyes prominent, you can scooped up the fresh fish that can guarantee. Generally, open to the leaves the pot from the water about 15 minutes. 3, cooked the fish soup ladle out to 100 grams (2 2) on the wok, add 10 grams (2 money) soy sauce, 50 grams (1 2) sugar, 50 grams (1 2) rice vinegar and a pinch of salt, burning open, together with 30 grams (6 money) water starch thicken. This is the sweet and sour sauce. add to sauce, pour a little immature oil, then pour in the fish leaves the pot, sprinkle with very fine surface required ginger 10 grams (2 money). 西湖醋鱼 Motorcoach


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