

03月21日 编辑 39baobao.com

[呼唤紧急关注]自闭症警钟再次响起。截至2008年1月1日的统计:美国3-22岁的人群中,已诊断的自闭症患者人数达252,590人;2008年将为此额外花费75亿多美元用于教育和照护这些自闭症病人。 据美...+阅读

Jane,I've received your package today which involves small gifts.That photo album remembers me of the happy time we spent together in Germany.

You know what?What the day is today?Today is my 12th working day and my last working day.Ever since last Monday,I started working in a restaurant which in my neighbourhood as a waiter. It was tired,and even though I haven't get paid,I am suprise to get your presents.I am so happy!

Tomorrow is Chinese spring festival eve, it's a big day,just like Christmas in western.


Xiao Li is now bike to work every day. What is more she was pleased that the bike do not buy their own. Just hire enough. Government has, since May 1, 2008 since the implementation of public bicycle transport system. So far, more than 20 million public bicycles. The city has 800 multiple car rental points. Xiao Li in the neighborhood they live in is very easy to find car rental points, as long as an hour to return. Do not need to pay for car hire. Xiao Li said that the public bike is very convenient. Cycling can also exercise.


Everyone needs a friend, how to make friends is extremely important. To make friends, first of all to be friendly to others. Smile is to attract other people's Xitie Dan. To strangers no matter where you can feel the warm. Should be concerned about others than their own interest, not Yimaoquren. Try to remember the names of others. And others have differences, let us not quarrel, we must discuss. Do not believe those who deviated from friends in times of crisis the people, because the trouble is really a friend. Everyone needs a friend, how to make friends is extremely important. To make friends, first of all to be friendly to others. Smile is to attract other people's Xitie Dan.


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生日邀请函英语范文紧急Dear Lin Li, I'm going to hold a birthday party next Saturday in my house and I'll invite some classmates and friends to join.It'll start at 7:30 p.m..I live at...

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