

03月20日 编辑 39baobao.com

[计算机网络基础知识题高手来谢谢]1.(传输层)的主要功能是为两个用户进程之间建立,管理和拆除可靠的有效端对端的连接,HTTP协议的端口号为(80 ),TELNET服务的端口号为(23 ) 2.TCP/IP协议将网络体系结构分为(应用层Appl...+阅读

1.tom,look!it is 12 o'clock at night.____you shout so loudly?

A can B shall C will D must

选D, 已经12点了,你非得要这么吵吗?

2.she had no idea how it ____that her husband met with trouble again.

A came about B came out C came across D came up

选B, “结果是...” 类似turn out,it 指代后面的“her husband met with trouble again",主要看句子后半部分,it came/turn out that (her husband met with trouble again).

3.you see the lightning____ it happens, but you hear the thunder later.

A for an istand B on the instant C in a instant D the instant

选D, “一...就”,类似“the moment..." 一闪电就能看见(闪电),但是雷声要过会才能听到。B是“立刻,马上”时间状语。

4.you are not worried about your english,are you ?

no, certainly not. not chinese, not math and ___ english.

A as far as B at the least C best of all D least of all

选D, "最不.." 回答的意思是,“不,当然不担心。不担心语文,不担心数学,更不会担心英语。” B是“至少”



saved是过去分词,包含两种含义 过去 和完成

The hospital ,funded in 1954 , has been renovated last year=The hospital ,which was funded in 1954 ,has been renovated 起到补充说明的作用,与非限制性定语从句意义相似

to be saved 是表示将要被拯救,to be done 有将要和被动的涵义

比如The meeting to be held taday will be delayed to tomorrow

表示即将举行的会议,有将来 和被动涵义


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