

12月01日 编辑 39baobao.com



Leading oil importing economies, including the US, Japan and the European Union, will meet tomorrow in Dos amid mounting worries that record oil prices are worsening the global economic outlook.

此次不同寻常的会议的召开,时逢下周石油输出国组织(OPEC,简称欧佩克)的维也纳会议之前,而国际油价在本月初突破每桶100美元大关,创历史新高。 The exceptional gathering es ahead of an Opec meeting next week in Vienna and after oil prices reached an all-time high of more than $100 a barrel early this month.


“Everyone is concerned about the impact of current oil prices,” an official said. “The key governments are worried about the market situation.”

美国能源部长萨姆?博德曼(Sam Bodman)昨日警告,油价不仅推高了美国的通胀,也已开始拖累美国的经济增长。

Sam Bodman, the US energy secretary, yesterday warned that as well as pushing inflation higher, oil prices were starting to damp US economic growth.


“Our economy has been able to withstand the big run-up in prices but with [oil prices at] $100 [a barrel] it’s starting to he an impact on the level of our economic activity,” Mr Bodman told a forum in Cairo.


Oil prices are also hindering interest rates cuts in Europe where the Bank of England and European Central Bank remain worried about high inflation.

雪佛龙(Chevron)首席执行官大卫?奥雷里(Did O’Reilly)昨日在达沃斯表示,他希望自己离开这个瑞士度假胜地的时候,能够带着公共和私营部门的“一些承诺和一些行动计划”,以帮助解决全球能源问题。

Did O’Reilly, chief executive of Chevron, yesterday said in Dos that he hoped to lee the Swiss resort with “some mitments and some action items” from both the public and private sectors to help resolve the world’s energy problems.


Crude oil prices three weeks ago hit a high of $100.09 a barrel but he since fallen back, reaching $87.50 a barrel yesterday as traders anticipate that slower economic growth will reduce energy demand.


Crude oil prices are, however, still about 50 per cent higher than a year ago.


Opec has so far rejected calls for increased output and some member countries, such as Venezuela and Algeria, he raised the possibility of a production cut at the cartel’s March meeting if economic activity worsens in the US.
