
跪求英语口语考试用的小短文题目是If you were rich how could your

03月19日 编辑 39baobao.com


我不知道你的考试是什么,我按托福的思路写的。有什么问题再联系,希望对你有帮助。 If I were rich, I will lead a different life. First, I may sent a lot of money to the foundation. I've seen many children dropped out of school because they had no money to pay the school tuition. I'd like to help more children have education. Second, I may built my own house and make it perfect. I'll put plenty of famous paintings in my house, because I am such a fun of art. When people come to visit my house, they might feel like they are in the galleries. Third, I would like to travel around the world to enjoy the different culture. I can also make friends with the local people. In short, I will have a different life.


1. Money can only fulfill materialistic wants and needs, not spiritual ones. Money itself should not be blamed for the evils derived from humans' endless, greedy desires.I believe money is a tool and like others, it is entirely up to the individual to determine whether to use the money for good wills or evil desires. It is natural for humans to desire a large sum of money because of the benefits and convenience it brings, especially in the consumerism society nowadays.Personally, I believe people should only earn the money they deserve as a result of their output, either physical or intellectual. ...好长啊。。去睡了。看看这第一题的答案还满意不 还有这些题目问的都是比较主观的看法,可不可以先提供您个人的中文答案呀?

Disadvantage and advantage of parttime job这是我们英语口语考试

In my opinion,part-time job has many advantages ,and a few of disadvantages too . As normal students in school,the traditional education emphraises the study is the first work to us,but when we have enough time to do other things,the part-time job becomes a fashional choice. Part-time job,if we arrange it well ,it will not make any funtion to our study.Then it makes we know how to work in sociaty,how to make money,how to live in sociaty by oneself.With the part-time job, we will abudant our social knowledge and other things. In the oppsite side,if we can\'t anrrange the time beteween job and study.part-time job will inteact our study.As a student,you willbe said you\'re not a good student in school. So when saying the disadvantage and advantage of part-time job,i think how to arrange is the most important key.


This is a class picture of three different grades of students. The top picture is an elementary class picture, then a middle school class picture and a college class picture. I believe they're the same picture in all three pictures. Take a look at the top photo there is only four students wearing glasses. The second picture however, has thirteen students with glasses. Finally, the last picture, almost all of the students are wearing glasses, with the exception of two students. I think this picture has a deeper meaning, and it's that kids nowadays are becoming more addicting to the television and/or internet. Not only that, it also tells us that we need to be more aware of how our childrens' time are spend. Maybe we can limit the time they spend going online or watching television.

We can also say that this picture tells us that we're relying more and more on computers to do the work for us. as you can see, the first picture only shows a few people wearing glasses but the numbers increases as the kids grows older. This tells us that as time passes, technology also changes. I recall that when I was in grade school, we don't need a computer to do our homework. But in middle school, we're being to learn about computers, but still relying on them to do our homework. But every college student must have a laptop or desktop computer because our classes requires it.

我觉得很多了。 够了吧? 记得赏分哦! 谢谢!



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