

03月18日 编辑 39baobao.com

[寻物启事的正确格式](一)标题 寻物启事的标题可以有两种构成格式: 第一,由文种名称和缘由构成。如“寻物启事”。 第二,由文种名和具体丢失物名构成。如“寻书启事”、“寻自行车启事”。 (二)正文 寻...+阅读


Hello, I am the administrator, you are lost lost people? Hello, is that I am Tom, I lost lost. The administrator said: do you remember the way? Please describe. We're sure it's not your stuff. Tom said: good. I lost a wallet, the wallet is rectangular black, there is no cash inside the wallet, there is a Chinese bank card. Administrator said: good. It has confirmed that this is yours. You can take it away.



寻物启事的格式怎样写(一)标题寻物启事的标题可以有两种构成格式:第一,由文种名称和缘故构成。如“寻物启事”。第二,由文种名和具体丢失物名构成。如“寻书启事”、“寻自行车启事”。 (二)正文寻物启...

寻物启事的格式寻物启事,是指单位或个人丢失东西后,希望他人帮助寻找而使用的应用文体。 寻物启事按照失主的身份可以分为两种,一种是由于个人遗忘或不慎将东西遗失而写的寻物启事,另一种是由...

英文寻物启事的写法寻物启事要用Lost 例如: LOST:Briefcase Red colour briefcase, with two name tags written Zi Hao. One wheel slightly broken. The owner's email address is also writt...

寻物启事用英文怎么写Lost And Found 失物招领 I picked up a new red backpack on the playground in the morning of yesterday after our baseball game.There are an English book, a mathma...

怎么写英语寻物启事Lost And Found 失物招领 I picked up a new red backpack on the playground in the morning of yesterday after our baseball game.There are an English book, a mathma...

寻物启事用英语怎么说2013 If found, please contact Jane at 123-456-7890 Reward available。例, pure white,并说明什么时候在什么地方丢失的。别忘了附上你的联系方式标题是一个大大的 Missing...

以我的新家为题写一篇不少于50词的英语短文My New House I live in a new house now .There are three bedrooms,two bathrooms,a study,a kitchen,a dining-room and a large sitting-room.There' a desk beside my...

说明:写一份英语通告中文翻译Orient electronics co., LTD. Is a sino-foreign joint venture enterprise, mainly manufacturing electronic products, the company will be in December 26, 2007 (Wed...

以 We need用英语写一篇不少于100词的小短文We need to feel more to understand others We need to love more to be loved back We need to cry more to cleanse ourselves We need to laugh more to enjoy ourselve...
