

11月10日 编辑 39baobao.com

[创造更适合我们班级孩子的“学讲”英语课]李涛涛 ],自从徐州市推进 学讲计划 以来,一直在努力探索 学讲 之路,在这个过程中,经历了很多困难和挫折,但也意外收获了许多。学讲 课堂重视的是学生自己真实的学习的发生,所以学...+阅读


(1)According to the College Board, U.S. college students and their families are paying, on erage, 167 to  1,132 more for this years tuition and fees than they did in 2003-2004. The erage annual cost of a public college education, for tuition and fees, is now  11,000, while private colleges are  27,000 or more. Over the past decade, college tuition has climbed 90 percent.

(2)The cost of a college education is heading north quickly, and many families around the United States now face a dilemma--they make too much for their kids to qualify for full scholarships to attend college, but not enough to pay for the entire cost of tuition, books, lab fees and other costs. They star eyeing the part-time student jobs at Starbucks.

In reality, however, a lot of people incorrectly assume their ine is too high and they don’t bothe pplying for financial aid. There are several options worth considering if you know where to look.

Indeed, there is more financial aid than ever before. Nearly 70 percent of students attending four year schools pay less than   8,000 for tuition and fees, according to the College Board, a not-for-proitmembership association that is posed of more than 4,700 schools, colleges, universities, and other educational anizations. Students are currently receiving over  122 billion in aid each year. (3)After grants are taken into consideration, the price the erage undergraduate pays for a college education is significantly lower than the published tuition and fees.

(4)There are even options for a family that earns too much money to qualify for financial aid. A great option to consider is the Federal Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students (PLUS) loan program, which currently he a variable interest rate that is capped at 9 percent but is currently 4.17 percent. These loans are ailable regardless of ine or a

sets, and are not based on financial aid and do not require collateral, but applicants cannot he filed for bankruptcy, defaulted on student loans in the past or he any tax liens. (5)PLUS loans are part of a federally subsidized educational loan program that allows families with college-aged children to borrow an amount up to the entire cost of the undergraduate college education, minus the sum covered by grants, scholarships or other financial aid. PLUS Loans he flexible repayment options, giving borrowers up to ten years to repay. [396 words]


bankruptcy n.破产

defauIt n.疏怠职责,缺席,拖欠,默认

lien n.留置权,抵押品所产生的利息

eollateral adj.间接的


(1)据美国大学入学考试委员会的说法,美国大学生和他们的家庭今年平均支付的学杂费比2003--2004学年多 167到1132美元。

(2)上大学的费用正在迅速增加,美国很多家庭面临两难困境,他们的家庭收入较高,孩子没有资格获得上大学的 全额奖学金,但是他们的家庭收入又不足以支付孩子上大学的全部学费、书费、实验费和其他费用。


(4)甚至对于那些收入较高、孩子没有资格获得助学金的家庭来说,也有可供考虑的选择。可供考虑的一个重要选 择就是联邦大学生父母贷款项目。这个项目目前采取浮动利率,9%封顶,现在为4.17%。

(5)联邦大学生父母贷款项目是联邦资助的教育贷款项目的组成部分。这个项目允许有大学生年龄的孩子的家庭 借款,可达大学生上大学的全部费用,要减去所获得的助学金。 【句结构解析】

(1)According to the College Board,U.S.college students and their families ale payin9,on erage, 167 to 1,132 more for this year’s tuition and fees than they did in 2003—2004.

(2)The cost of a college education is heading north quickly,and”many families around the United States now face a dilemmathey make too much for their kids to qualify for full scholarships to attend college,but not enough to pay for the entire cost of tuition,books,lab fees and other costs.

(3)After grants are taken into consideration,the price[the erage undergraduate pays for a college education is significantly lower than the published tuition and fees.

(4)There are even options for a family[that earns too much money to qualify for financial aid]。A great option to consider is the Federal Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students(PLUs)loan program,[which currently he a ariable interest rate(that is capped at 9 percent but is currently 4.17 percent)].

(5)PLUS loans are part of a federally subsidized educational loan program[that allows families with college—aged children to borrow an amount(up to the entire cost of the undergraduate college education),minus the sum (covered by grants,scholarships or other financial aid)].











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