

03月16日 编辑 39baobao.com

[急求一篇医学相关文章的简短摘要希望能翻译成英文非常感谢!]Abstract: Pharmacoeconomic evaluation is an important step for the post-marketing reassessment of traditional Chinese medicine. The clinical and market values o...+阅读

我觉得有些兴奋,这是围绕要点。大约10年前,我们变得更加了解如何在一个单元的HIV病毒。到那个时候,以前,我们认为这是一个很简单的过程,该病毒仅仅依附于外部分子对人类的T细胞,然后基本上了。我们现在知道的过程是一个复杂的、包含至少有三个步骤。 这些步骤之一,中间的步骤,是一种病毒已经使用一种特殊的受体对外界的细胞。科学名称是chemokine coreceptor。使用lock-and-key机制,这种病毒已经使用一种特殊类型的coreceptor获得进入细胞。这个CCR5抑制剂,key-and-lock机制,将其关键,病毒不能这么说,进入锁在外面的细胞,然后与细胞key-and-lock机制的那种方式异界细胞内。 这些新的作用的机制已经非常令人兴奋,因为我们先前的类抗hiv病毒药物后,该病毒已经工作了细胞内的和已经做一些感染过程。

这个新的类药物是在更早的HIV感染的周期中以便它阻挡病毒能在细胞内开始。 所以这是一个入口乙酰胆碱酯酶抑制剂。 没错。它是被作为一种类型的输入乙酰胆碱酯酶抑制剂以及CCR5乙酰胆碱酯酶抑制剂。...


In recent years, we found in clinical practice, with nasal endoscopic surgery skills progress, topical anesthetic techniques and surgical instruments on the development of nasal endoscopic surgery using local anesthesia is the theoretical basis and feasibility are:1 and nasal endoscopic sinus surgery in accordance with the basic theory, is through the muzzle against sinus of complex operation ways to solve a wide range of sinus inflammatory lesions. The operation principle of FESS through open sinus (not cure) and as reserves to treatment available mucosa. By means of surgery should be as small as possible to achieve the purpose of pathological changes treatment. "Little scope of operation for local anesthesia," which provides the possibility.2 and nasal endoscopic surgery, except to provide accurate view outside, also for local infiltrating anesthesia can be accurately reach nasal endoscopic any need careful parts and achieve good block anesthesia. While both general anesthesia or need use contain adrenaline astringent surface anaesthesia using local anesthesia, often also can achieve the purpose of bleeding painless.3 and patients, most patients with type Ⅰ belongs to the patient, Ⅱ sinusitis ethmoid sinus sclerosis type person is not high, and the proportion passed perioperative treatment, inflammatory condition to get a good control of the disease, making it easier to identify and excision, hemorrhage, this is also significantly reduce local anesthesia for surgery provided the foundation. While most of the patients for general anesthesia for body organs and the important function of the vital signs have fear. Besides the cost of general anesthesia was obviously higher than local anesthesia.4 and local anesthesia technology improvement: use cotton surface anesthesia first before use surface anaesthetic and advance nasal spray anesthesia astringent, in order to reduce cotton piece table linen of pain, While cotton piece table linen as far as possible when fully contact each all gaps. Nasal Focus attention in the surrounding area and the closure of the department of cotton piece close contact: in complex areas, slightly wet cotton piece into half crack and liquor extrusion screening funnel to three times as appropriate. For the distribution of butterfly palatal nerve after nasal mucosa period after the middle turbinate, medial margin screening flora nervous before, and the smell of the crack, the department, hook, tu tu incision front end, opening of the maxillary sinus mucosa infiltrating anesthesia should be good. For some mental tension and Ⅲ type cases and implementation of preoperative 30 minutes DuLengDing intramuscular 50mg + isopropyl benzoxazines 25mg calm, or the palatal macroporous maxillary nerve block anesthesia (2% lidocaine 3 ml). We think so full of local anesthesia can achieve painless or less painful.


一个人的基因的DNA仍显示谜 位于第一的基因详尽的地图,显示了一个人的遗传密码更复杂的人比想像。比如,科学仍无法查明是什么使一个人的眼睛为蓝色。基因组研究的初步地图企业家克雷格文特尔自己的410万丹表明他的地方不同的基因组遗传密码是由基本的“参考”人。这是许多较原先预期,其中包括迄今大单分歧,远远超出了字母的变体出现变化的占多。马里兰州的研究人员在J.克雷格文特尔研究所,以及在该医院工作队病童在多伦多和圣迭戈加利福尼亚大学,进行了分析文特尔的基因代码,比较的项目是政府资助的人类基因组的对手与人类基因组地图出版于2001年由文特尔的私人公司和。双方2001年的基因组中使用志愿者的DNA来自数,汇集,然后测序。生物学写作公共科学图书馆的公共科学图书馆,研究人员表示,也将行使有用的一个罕见的彻底检查,一个人的基因组进行比较,这里对这些数字的平均数。


“我没有有心脏病的机会,认为百分之百的谈话预防性措施,”文特尔说。他的母亲是84和仍然活跃,他说。 “知道什么东西在冻不会改变我们的遗传密码的。但我们知道的东西可能使我们有机会改变这可能是我们遗传命运的一部分,“文特尔说。...



Pharmacoeconomic evaluation is an important step for the post-marketing reassessment of traditional Chinese medicine. The clinical and market values of the post-marketing traditional Chinese medicine can be better reflected by pharmacoeconomic evaluation. The objective of the enactment of "technical specifications of pharmacoeconomic evaluation for the post-marketing traditional Chinese medicine" is to ensure a more scientific and reasonable process and result for the pharmacoeconomic evaluation of traditional Chinese drugs. By referring to the pharmacoeconomic guidlines of various countries, and integrating the characteristics of traditional Chinese medicines, this technical specification formulates a rudimentary pharmacoeconomic evaluation for the post-marketing of traditional Chinese medicines.


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