

11月17日 编辑 39baobao.com

You can get some good bargains if you look around.


A I love the different markets in Beijing.

A 我喜欢北京的各个市场。

B Yes – you can find just everything you want.

B 是的—你几乎可以找到所有想要的东西。

A You can get some really good bargains if you look around.

A 如果你到处走走的话,可以买到价廉物美的好东西。

B And if you haggle! You’ve got to haggle over the price.

B 如果你砍价的话!你得砍价。

A I know, but that’s OK. The markets are much more interesting than the shops.

A 我知道,但是没关系。在市场买东西比商店有趣多了。

B Yes, I suppose it’s a better experience and you can get things cheaper.

B 是的,我想在市场买东西是更好的经历,而且你可以买到更便宜的东西。

Notes 注释

1 To say you must do something, you can use You’ve got to . . ./ You’ve got to . . . or You must . . . / You must . . . e.g. You’ve got to haggle over the price. / You’ve got to haggle over the price.

要说你必须做某事,你可以用:You’ve got to . . ./ 你得 . . . 或者You must . . . / 你必须 . . . 例如: You’ve got to haggle over the price. /你得砍价。

2 Remember, when you pare things, use the parative form of the adjective: much more interesting / much more interesting, e.g. a better experience / a better experience ; You can get things cheaper. / You can get things cheaper.

记住,当你比较事物时用形容词的比较级:much more interesting /有趣得多; a better experience / 更好的经历 ; You can get things cheaper. /你可以买到更便宜的东西。

Key phrases and sentences

I love the different markets in Beijing.

Yes – you can find just everything you want.

You can get some really good bargains if you look around.

And if you haggle!You’ve got to haggle over the price.

I know, but that’s OK.

The markets are much more interesting than the shops.

Yes, I suppose it’s a better experience and you can get things cheaper.








