

03月15日 编辑 39baobao.com

[请教PS高手用钢笔工具怎么抠图]PS用钢笔的时候要先点下工具栏的 以蒙版模式编辑。 然后绘制抠选路径, 绘制完成后 , ctrl+alt .生成路径,然后ctrl+j 直接把抠出的图像新建并复制到印的图层中。 钢笔抠像技巧...+阅读

living within your means

量力 estimate one's own strength ...

为 support; stand for

量力而为(量体裁衣) cut one's coat according to one's clot ...

量力而行 act according to one's ability [capabi ...

尽力而为 do everything in one's power; contribu ...

勉力而为 exert one's utmost to ...; try one's b ...

努力;尽力而为 do/try one's best/utmost; do/try one's ...

倾力而为 bend

我尽力而为 i'll try my best

也须尽力而为 think a great deal of oneself

凡事都应量力而行 a man can do no more than he can; a ma ...

凡事应量力而行 a man can do no more than he can

凡事只能量力而行 a man can never thrive who had a waste ...

但妈妈会尽力而为 but ill try the best as i can

慢慢来尽力而为 easy does it when you can


All rivers run into sea. 海纳百川。 All roads lead to Rome. 条条大路通罗马。 All that ends well is well. 结果好,就一切都好。 All that glitters is not gold. 闪光的不一定都是金子。 All things are difficult before they are easy. 凡事总是由难而易。 All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 只会用功不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻。 A man becomes learned by asking questions. 不耻下问才能有学问。 A man can do no more than he can. 凡事都应量力而行。 A man cannot spin and reel at the same time....


英语的学生用英语怎么说English-speaking students 讲英语的学生 双语例句 English-speaking students are also taught phonics, but phonics is particularly important for second-language lea...

请教高手:一些金融英语词汇LZ,我对2,3.6的修改如下:记帐:Bookkeeping Service 对帐:Auditing Service联行:Associated Banks Service 或Affiliated Banks Service(我还是不明白这与5有何区别,但Associated和A...

英语真好佩服请问用英语说聪明怎么说真不想抢别人的生意,但感觉差点味道。You are really good at English. Adorable!聪明: smart clever cute 比较常用smart 英 [smɑːt] 美 [smɑrt] adj. 聪明的;巧妙的;敏捷的;...

请教高手钓大鱼用什么线用大力马3.5主线+1-2号大力马子线7-9号千又钩 5.4黑纹鲤超硬调18 主调5斤以上鲤 草 青(PS:本人曾经用7号透明尼龙线结果被拉断后主线换大力马结果子线换到5号尼龙线又被拉断最...

请用英语交流用英语怎么说翻译:Please communicate in English. 读法:【pliːz kə'mjuːnɪkeɪt ɪn 'iŋɡliʃ 】 学习英语的方法和技巧 1.上课时间一定要充分把握,思维跟着老师走。 2.坚持听磁带录...

你说什么用英语怎么说What did you say?你说什么。具体场景: 1、如果是两人去吃饭等场景,需要一人做出决定,如A:Would you like to eat Chinese food or Japanese food?B:it's up to you. (你做决定吧...

请教衣服尺码大小用英语怎么说加大号: extra large,简称:XL; 大号:Large,简称“L”; 中号:Middle,简称“M”; 小号:Small,简称“S”。 扩展资料: 常见服装有两种型号标法:一是S(小)、M(中)、L(大)、XL(加大);二是身高加胸围...

请教高手怎么用WD1.对NE 最好别用,遇上DH简直就是废物... 2.对HUM 最喜欢用WD,只要不是近点,一般是1D2F3D4F5D,配上NAGA,点他英雄,杀的他没话说,似乎对一波流也很管用,死点英雄,HUM通常一波流会出NAGA...

员工用英语怎么说员工用英语怎么说,在职人员用英语怎么说要尽量简洁的说法:员工的英语:employee、personnel。重点词汇: 1、employee英 [ɪmˈplɔɪi:] 美 [ɪmˈplɔɪi:] n。 雇工,雇员,职工,员工...
