
人教版七年级英语上册听力部分文字版 u2的

03月08日 编辑 39baobao.com

[人教版七年级英语上册正式单元二单元单词及短文跟读]excuse原谅、宽恕me 我(宾格)excuse me劳驾,请原谅what 什么;怎么样your 你的;你们的name 名字,姓名,名称where 在哪里;往哪里from 来自;从;从……起be from来自Canada加拿大the 这(那)...+阅读

Section A

1b Listen and circle the words you hear in 1a.

David: That's my family. Those are my parents.

Lin Hai: Who's she?

David: She's my sister. Oh, and these are my brothers.

Lin Hai: Who're they?

David: They're my grandparents.

2a Listen and circle the words you hear.

Li Lan: Cindy, is this your family photo?

Cindy: Yes, it is, Li Lan.

Li Lan: Are these your parents?

Cindy: Yes, they are. This is my mother, Jenny, and this is my father, Tom.

Li Lan: Oh, who's she?

Cindy: She's my sister, Mary.

Li Lan: Who're they?

Cindy: They're my grandparents, Linda and Bob.

Li Lan: And who's he?

Cindy: He's my brother, Jack.

2b Listen again. Match the names with the people in the picture.

Section B

1b Listen and check the words you hear.

Jiang Tao: This is a photo of my family. This is my aunt.

Tom: Who's he?

Jiang Tao: He's my uncle.

Tom: And is she your cousin?

Jiang Tao: Yes, she's my cousin, Jiang Shan. And these are her friends.

Tom: Who're they?

Jiang Tao: They're my grandpa and grandma.

1c Listen again. Which picture are Jiang Tao and Tom talking about?


1d Listen again. Circle the things in the picture that Kate and her mom talk about. Check the thing Kate buys.

Mom: Oh, look. I like that blue sweater. How much is it?

Kate: Fifteen dollars. Oh, I like these socks.

Mom: Oh, no. I don't like red.

Kate: Do you like this T-shirt?

Mom: Mmm, yes, I do, but it's eleven dollars.

Kate: Oh. How much is the green sweater?

Mom: It's twenty dollars. But you have a green sweater.

Kate: Mmm.

Mom: Oh, do you like these trousers?

Kate: Oh, yes. How much are they?

Mom: Only sixteen dollars.

Kate: OK, I'll take them.


Eric: Hi, David. How are you? Are you OK?

David: No, I'm not.

Eric: What's wrong?

David: It's Tuesday.

Eric: So?

David: I have two math classes on Tuesday.

Eric: You don't like math?

David: No. It's so difficult! My father says it's interesting. But I don't think so.

Eric: So what's your favorite subject?

David: Chinese. It's difficult but interesting!

Eric: When is your Chinese class?

David: It's on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. I have to go now! I have math, history and science this morning.

Eric: OK, see you at music class.

David: Bye!


Unit 4:Where's my backpack? sectionA,1b Tommy:我的书在哪里? Motber:它们在沙发上。 Tommy:那我的铅笔盒和我的棒球呢? Sister:它们在你的双肩背包里。 Tommy:哦。还有我的电子游戏在哪里? Sister:你的电子游戏?它在你的床下面。 Fatber:噢。此时我的钥匙在哪里? Tommy:噢,它们在你的梳妆台上。 2a,2b Tommy:喂,Sally。 Sally:什么事? Tommy:我的电子游戏在桌子上吗? Sally:不,它不在。它在你的书柜上。 Tommy:哦。那我的书呢?它们也在书柜上吗? Sally:不。它们在椅子上。 Tommy:噢。那么,我的铅笔盒在哪里呢? Sally:它在沙发下面。 Tommy:还有我的双肩背包在哪里? Sally:它在桌子下面。还有你的棒球在桌子下面。 Tommy:哦。还有我妈妈的钥匙在哪里? Sally:钥匙?它们在桌子上面。

SectionB,2a,2b Mom:你好。 Tommy:你好,妈妈。今天下午的课,我需要一些东西。你能帮我把它们带到学校来吗?可以吗? Mom:当然。 Tommy:我需要我的数学书。 Mom:数学书?你的数学书在哪里? Tommy:噢,它在梳妆台上面。还有我的直尺。它在床上面。还有我的笔记本。 Mom:你的笔记本在哪儿? Tommy:噢,我不知道。噢,它在床上面。还有我的光盘。它们在书柜上面。 Mom:哦。 Tommy:还有我的录像带。它在桌子上。放学后,我必须把它带回商店。 Mom:好的。我会在12点的时候与你相会。 很高兴回答您的问题, 如果有什么不懂,我会尽力帮你。


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