

03月08日 编辑 39baobao.com

[反思:朗读对于学习英语来说十分重要]本节课主要是对话教学,涉及到的内容是7个文具类单词和句型Is this ? Is that ?以及其回答Yes, it is. / No, it, isn t. 整节课的内容贴近于学生的生活和学习,学生学习的热情...+阅读

for me



He is the only man for me.


So, for me, it speaks of childhood, and of the history of technology.


One of the amazing things about life, for me, is that we have a choice in everything we do.


It is enough for me to do the things I like.


And I know this is an impossible thing for me to ask.


对我来说英语怎么说对我来说英语怎么说 To me,as far as Im concerned 有关对我来说英语怎么说的例句1: 这对我来说是个谜。 Its a mystery to me. 这题目对我来说没有什么味道。 This subject h...

对你来说很平常用英语怎么说it is common of you 是可以的...但后面加动词要用不定式 不过i don't know whether it is common of you not to trust a stranger.的话也是词不达意的..这句话的意思是"我...

在我看来用英语怎么说“在我看来”用英语这样说:in my opinion。建议你跟着外教学英语作文,跟着外教可以大胆讲英语,轻松开口,与外教老师一对一对话交流,这样的英语学习效果好。 免费试听课分享:【】点...

你在和我说话吗!用英语怎么说!你在和我说话吗?这个要根据具体情况翻译,因为英语的“说”有很多种 1.Are you talking to me? 这是最常用的表达“你在和我说话吗?”的英语句子。 2.Are you saying something t...

我似乎没有希望按时到达。用英语怎么说题目中划线部分应填:seems (to be) impossible 本题主要考察seem的用法: 1.seem 后一般接不定式或从句: 一、It seems that light energy will be an important subject of sci...

翻译: 1对于学生们来说学好英语很重要it's important to learn English well for students Peter is doing experiment in the lab. Mom gets toothache,so she has to see a doctor. it is stupid that john do...

我什么也没有做用英语怎么说我什么也没有做,_有道翻译 翻译结果: I didn't do anything, anything_有道词典 anything 英 ['enɪθɪŋ] 美 ['ɛnɪ'θɪŋ] pron. 任何事 更多释义>> [网络短语] anythin...

我不是故意的用英语怎么说I didn't mean to. I was not on purpose. I was not intentional 例句与用法: 1. I'm sorry I hurt you: I didn't mean to. 对不起,我弄伤了你;我不是故意的。 2. If I hurt...

这是我的失误用英语怎么说这是我的失误用英语怎么说,这是我的错用法语怎么说:IT'S MY FAULT。 fault 还有错误的意思,也可以说是 这是我的错。相关句子Oh, my fault for the mistake. 哦,这次失误是我的...
